Singhalese fishing boat
A Sri Lankan man stands by the mast of the sail on the framework where the outrigger is attached to the boat in a Sinhalese fishing boat called a Bala Oruwa that sits on the beach in Sri Lanka [then...
Six men stand in the inner Temple of the Tooth
Unidentified group standing in front of inner Temple of the Tooth (Dalada Maligawa) in Kandy, Sri Lanka [then Ceylon]. Six men stand in front of a porch above and behind them that completely surrounds...
Sri Lanka man plays a pungi for a cobra snake to move to
A barefoot Sri Lankan man in traditional clothing, who is a snake charmer, crouches on the ground and closes his eyes as he plays a pungi in Sri Lanka [then Ceylon]. A cobra snake is on the ground in...
Stalheim Hotel
The Stalheim Hotel sits in a mountain range overlooking the Nærøy Valley. A group of people stand outside the hotel with a couple of donkeys pulling carts.
Street performers in Sri Lanka
Three unidentified, barefoot street performers pose on a path in front of a cliff in Sri Lanka [then Ceylon]. Two dancers in costume gesture with their hands and arms toward the man in the center, as...
Széchenyi Island
A boy holding a cannister in one hand stands on the bank between a trail and a pond in the city park in Budapest, Hungary. In the pond, two men are facing each other on either end of a skiff from...
Tea plantation workers at a tea factory in Sri Lanka
A group of Sinhalese tea plantation workers: men, women, and children; stand in front of and on the stairway up to the second floor of a tea plantation factory in Sri Lanka [then Ceylon]. Each worker...
Temple of the Tooth in Kandy, Sri Lanka
Temple of the Tooth (Dalada Maligawa) in Kandy, Sri Lanka [then Ceylon], is surrounded by a moat that has a parapet between the moat and the lane and then between the most and the temple on the left...
Three horses hitched to an open carriage with a driver and a passenger
A woman sits in the back seat of a horse-drawn carriage with a driver in the front seat. There are three horses hitched to the carriage. Trees are in the back of the photograph.
Three men with Tilaka markings
Three unidentified, barefoot men, likely from India, who are followers of Shiva in the Hindu religion, wear traditional clothing and the markings on the forehead and body called Tilaka. The man on the...
Tomb of the Virgin Mary and grotto of agony
A man stands on the grounds of the Tomb of Virgin and the Grotto of Agony. The stone paved grounds lead to a stone building with an arched gateway. To the right of the building is a narrow lane...
Tower of Pisa
Three horse-drawn carriages wait on the left, right, and center at the bottom of the bell tower in Pisa, Italy. A few men gather and lean on guide poles around the base of the leaning tower as they...
Two men pose with statues of God Murugan and his peacock
Two unidentified Sri Lankan men are in front of a roof supported by poles with two large statues of iconography (Hindu God Murugan and peacock) that each stand on its own pallet in Sri Lanka [then...
Two Vedda men in Sri Lanka
Two unidentified Vedda men wearing traditional clothing sit with axes, bows and arrows in Sri Lanka [then Ceylon]. One man sits on what appears to be a rock with straw on top of it. The other man sits...
Tzar bell
Ella Loose sits in the front seat beside the driver of a horse-drawn carriage as Jacob Loose stands, holding an open umbrella over his head, behind the carriage and in front of the Tzar bell in Moscow...
Tzar bell
Jacob Loose sits in the backseat of a horse-drawn carriage with a driver on the front seat in front of the Tzar bell in Moscow, Russia, in a cobblestone plaza. The bell has a large chunk broken out of...
View from the tunnels on Axenstrasse in Flüelen, Switzerland, with a group standing on the road
A view of the Lake of Uri and surrounding mountains through the openings in the tunnels on Axenstrasse near Flüelen, Switzerland. A group of two women, one man, and two children stand by the guard...
View of the Dead Sea
A view of the Dead Sea from the shoreline of a man on horse back with rifle and a man standing a distance from the horse both standing between driftwood and the sea. A sailing ship, with its sails...
Water porter in Jerusalem
A Middle Eastern man wearing a turban, carries water stored in the cavity of a hog by ropes strapped to his back in Jerusalem. He stands in front of a tall stone wall. Printed below the photograph,...
Wilhelm Tell Monument
The Monument Tell in Altdorf, Switzerland, depicts Wilhelm [William] Tell with his crossbow over his shoulder and his other arm around the shoulders of his son as they walk together. His son looks up...
Winding road through the mountains
A horse-drawn carriage with one passenger and a man walking beside the carriage, goes down the mountain and approaches a hairpin turn in a winding road through the mountains to the Nærøy Valley below...