Archie Davis, president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Archie Davis, president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, speaking at an event for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington, D.C.
Area near Points (Blue River Channel Improvement Project)
Road and wooded area near Points (Blue River Channel Improvement Project) in Kansas City, Missouri.
Atlanta Mayor Maynard Jackson, his wife, and Evelyn Dubrow
Atlanta Mayor Maynard Jackson and his wife greeting Evelyn Dubrow, head of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, at a function in Washington, D.C.
Atom bomb test from Operation Teapot
Atom bomb test shot from Operation Teapot at Nevada test site. Photo shows expansion of mushroom cloud.
Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and Congressman Richard Bolling at the registration of new citizens in front of the Federal Courts Building
Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and Congressman Richard Bolling at the registration of new citizens in front of the Federal Courts Building during Kennedy's campaign visit to Kansas City, Missouri...
Attorney General Robert Kennedy and Congressman Bolling inspect construction of the new Kansas City Federal Office Building
Attorney General Robert Kennedy and Congressman Richard Bolling inspecting construction of the new Kansas City Federal Office Building (approved for construction by John F. Kennedy) during Kennedy's...
AVC dinner honoring Richard Bolling
An unidentified man speaking at an American Veterans Committee dinner honoring Richard Bolling in Washington D.C. Bolling and Tip O'Neill are sitting at a table to the left along with unidentified...
AVC dinner honoring Richard Bolling
An unidentified man standing at an American Veterans Committee dinner honoring Richard Bolling in Washington, D.C. Other unidentified people are sitting at several dining tables.
AVC dinner honoring Richard Bolling
Richard Bolling shaking hand and speaking with an unidentified man at an American Veterans Committee dinner honoring Bolling in Washington, D.C. Lloyd Meeds is standing on the right.
AVC dinner honoring Richard Bolling
Richard Bolling speaking with an unidentified man and woman at an American Veterans Committee dinner honoring Bolling in Washington, D.C.
AVC dinner honoring Richard Bolling
Richard Bolling shaking hands with an unidentified man standing in front of Norman Mineta at an American Veterans Committee dinner honoring Bolling in Washington, D.C.
AVC dinner honoring Richard Bolling
Richard Bolling shaking hands with an unidentified man standing next to Evelyn Dubrow, from the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, and Sue Miller at an American Veterans Committee dinner...
AVC dinner honoring Richard Bolling
Richard Bolling shaking hands with an unidentified man at an American Veterans Committee dinner honoring Bolling in Washington D.C. Shirley Chisholm and Rose Cooke are standing behind them.
Averell Harriman with Tip O'Neill
Averell Harriman shaking hands with Tip O'Neill at a Congressional tribute to Bolling in Washington, D.C.
Barbara Bodinson and Dolly Campbell
Barbara Bodinson and Bolling staff member Dolly Campbell walking outdoors to a polling station in Kansas City, Missouri. Bodinson is standing on the right and supported under the arm by Campbell.
Barbara Bolling with three unidentified women
Barbara Bolling sitting on the left with three unidentified women at an unknown event. All four women are arranging flowers.
Barber Conable, Richard Bolling, Mike Monroney, and Dr. Ralph Huitt
Barber Conable, Richard Bolling, and Mike Monroney sitting left to right on a panel talk moderated by Dr. Ralph Huitt, far right, as part of a B'nai B'rith Library Round Table discussion on...
Barge and tugboat on the Missouri River
A barge and tugboat on the Missouri River; Kansas City, Missouri. Skyscrapers are visible on the horizon.
Barricades in West Berlin
Barricades and a fence along the road in West Berlin, West Germany. A guard post is visible in the background. The photo is from a trip by the Urban Affairs subcommittee of the Congressional Joint...
Barricades in West Berlin
Barricades and a fence along the road in West Berlin, West Germany. A guard post is visible in the background. The photo is from a trip by the Urban Affairs subcommittee of the Congressional Joint...
Bert Lance testifying to committee
Office of Management and the Budget Director Bert Lance testifying before a meeting of the Joint Economic Committee(95th Congress) in Washington, D.C. Hubert Humphrey and Richard Bolling are sitting...
Bess Truman with Richard Bolling
Bess Truman speaking with Richard Bolling and an unidentified woman at a formal function in Washington, D.C. Truman is standing on the left, looking directly at Bolling who is smiling.
Bess Truman with Richard Bolling at a function
Bess Truman speaking with Richard Bolling at a function in Washington, D.C. An unidentified woman is standing in the center.
Bess Truman, Harry Truman, and Richard Bolling
Kansas City, No. 9 - AN EVENING OUT SPOILED - Mrs. Harry Truman and Richard Bolling, representative in Congress from the 5th district of Missouri, followed by former President Harry Truman, walk from...
Boat near the harbor
An unidentified boat near the harbor in St. Maarten Island, Netherlands Antilles. An American flag is on the left side of the boat.