Georgetown University Hospital staff reception
Richard Bolling with an unidentified member of the Capital Physicians' Office at a Georgetown University Hospital staff reception in Bolling's office in Washington, D.C. Bolling is handing the man a...
Georgetown University Hospital staff reception
Richard Bolling with an unidentified man and woman at a Georgetown University Hospital staff reception in Bolling's office in Washington, D.C.
Georgetown University Hospital staff reception
Richard Bolling shaking hands with an unidentified woman at a Georgetown University Hospital staff reception in Bolling's office in Washington, D.C. Bolling is sitting and holding a certificate.
Gerald Ford and Leonor K. Sullivan at presentation ceremony
Representatives standing and applauding as Gerald Ford embraces Leonor Sullivan during a portrait presentation ceremony for Sullivan in Washington, D.C. Standing around them are William Hungate, John...
Gerald Ford and Leonor Sullivan at presentation ceremony
Representatives standing and applauding as Gerald Ford embraces Leonore Sullivan during a portrait presentation ceremony for Sullivan in Washington, D.C. Standing around them are William Hungate, John...
Gerald Ford during swearing-in ceremony
Gerald Ford addressing the audience during his swearing-in speech in the White House in Washington, D.C. In the audience around Ford are Melvin Laird, Paul Schlesinger, Henry Kissinger, Tip O'Neill...
Gerald Ford during swearing-in ceremony
President Gerald R. Ford speaks to the people assembled in the East Room of the White House Friday after he was sworn in. Ford is the 38th President of the United States (photo caption).
Gerald Ford, George Aiken, Richard Bolling, and Paul Douglas
Gerald Ford, George Aiken, Richard Bolling, and Paul Douglas standing left to right, talking at a Distinguished Service Awards ceremony for the American Political Science Association in St. Louis...
Geraldine Ferraro with Richard Bolling
Geraldine Ferraro speaking with Richard Bolling at a function in Washington, D.C. Ferraro is looking forward and smiling.
Gilbert Harrison, Richard Bolling, two unidentified veterans, and Harold Russell
Gilbert Harrison, founder of AVC and presently Executive Secretary of World Veterans Fund; Congressman Richard Bolling, former National Vice Chairman of AVC, master of ceremonies for the affair; two...
Gillis Long and Lee Hamilton at a meeting
Gillis Long speaking with Lee Hamilton during a Joint Economic Committee (94th Congress) meeting in Washington, D.C.
Gillis Long and Richard Bolling
Gillis Long, Richard Bolling, and an unidentified man standing left to right at a Congressional tribute to Bolling in Washington, D.C. All three men are smiling.
Gillis Long at a Congressional tribute to Richard Bolling
Gillis Long speaking at a Congressional tribute to Richard Bolling in Washington, D.C. Bolling, Mario Biaggi, and David Obey are standing to the left.
Gladyce Sumida
Bolling congressional staff member Gladyce Sumida standing in Bolling's Washington, D.C., office. Sumida is holding a paper in both hands and smiling while turning toward the camera.
Gladys Uhl
Staff member Gladys Uhl standing against a door and looking to the side while smiling and holding both arms in the air in Bolling's Washington office in Washington, D.C.
Gladys Uhl, Gladyce Sumida, and an unidentified woman
Three of Bolling's congressional staff members talking in Bolling's Washington, D.C., office including Gladys Uhl, Gladyce Sumida, and Judy Campbell.
Gloria Carruthers with Earl Carruthers
Hubert Humphrey campaign worker Gloria Carruthers with her father, jazz saxophonist Earl Carruthers in Kansas City, Missouri. Earl is hugging Gloria and kissing her on the cheek.
Group of unidentified students
A group of unidentified African American students sitting at a dinner with Richard Bolling (not in photo) in Kansas City, Missouri.
Group portrait of House Rules Committee
Group portrait of House Rules Committee members sitting at two podium desks in Washington, D.C. All congressmen are looking forward and smiling. Sitting left to right in the back row are Bob Bauman...
Group portrait of House Rules Committee
Group portrait of House Rules Committee members sitting at two podium desks in Washington, D.C. All congressmen are looking forward and smiling. Sitting left to right in the back row are Bob Bauman...
Group portrait of House Rules Committee
Group portrait of House Rules Committee members sitting around a long table in Washington, D.C. All members are looking forward. Committee chair Howard Smith is sitting in front. Richard Bolling is...
Group portrait of House Rules Committee
Group portrait of House Rules Committee members sitting around a long table in Washington, D.C. All members are looking forward. Committee chair Howard Smith is sitting in front. Richard Bolling is...
Hale Boggs, Stuart Udall, Gerald Wright, Sam Coun, and Richard Bolling
Hale Boggs, Stuart Udall, Gerald Wright, Sam Coun, and Richard Bolling standing in a group photo with unidentified military personnel and government officials for a military reunion at the Supreme...
Harry S. Truman playing piano
Harry S. Truman playing piano for a recital in the White House in Washington, D.C. John F. Kennedy, Jackie Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and Lady Bird Johnson are sitting in the front row of the audience...
Harry S. Truman playing piano for Richard Bolling
Harry S. Truman playing piano for Richard Bolling in a house in Kansas City, Missouri. Bolling is standing behind Truman and looking down while Truman plays.