Clarence Mitchell and Joseph L. Rauh
Clarence Mitchell and Joseph L. Rauh from the NAACP sitting at a table with microphones to testify during a meeting of the Select Committee on Committees (93rd Congress) in Washington, D.C. An...
Clarence Mitchell and Richard Bolling
Richard Bolling shaking hands with NAACP leader Clarence Mitchell at a Congressional tribute to Bolling in Washington, D.C.
Clarence Mitchell speaking at a Congressional tribute
NAACP leader Clarence Mitchell speaking into a microphone at a Congressional tribute to Richard Bolling in Washington, D.C. Bolling and David Obey are standing on the left.
Clarence Mitchell with Frank Horton at a Congressional tribute
NAACP leader Clarence Mitchell with Frank Horton, standing left to right, at a Congressional tribute to Bolling in Washington, D.C. Both men are looking forward and smiling.
Clarence Mitchell, Averell Harriman, Jonna Cullen, and Richard Bolling
Clarence Mitchell, Averell Harriman, Jonna Lynne Cullen, and Richard Bolling standing left to right at a Congressional tribute to Bolling in Washington, D.C. Harriman is pointing a finger at Bolling.
Richard Bolling speaking with Clarence Mitchell
Richard Bolling speaking with Clarence Mitchell for a KCSD TV program in Washington, D.C. Bolling is sitting on the left and holding up both hands while talking. Mitchell is looking at Bolling.
Richard Bolling speaking with Clarence Mitchell
Richard Bolling speaking with Clarence Mitchell, D.C. representative for NAACP, for a KCSD TV program in Washington, D.C. Bolling is sitting on the left, leaning back and talking.
Richard Bolling with Andrew Biemiller and Clarence Mitchell on radio panel
Richard Bolling sitting on a radio panel promoting his book "House Out of Order" with AFL-CIO lobbyist Andrew Biemiller and NAACP lobbyist Clarence Mitchell on Georgetown University's "Forum of the...
Richard Bolling with Andrew Biemiller and Clarence Mitchell on radio panel
Richard Bolling sitting on a radio panel promoting his book "House Out of Order" with AFL-CIO lobbyist Andrew Biemiller and NAACP lobbyist Clarence Mitchell on Georgetown University's "Forum of the...
Richard Bolling with Clarence Mitchell
Richard Bolling speaking with NAACP lobbyist Clarence Mitchell for a KCPT TV program in Washington, D.C. Bolling is on the left, looking at Mitchell.
Richard Bolling with Clarence Mitchell
Richard Bolling giving Clarence Mitchell a check for lifetime membership in the NAACP in Washington, D.C. Bolling is standing on the left and both men are smiling.
Richard Bolling with Joseph L. Rauh and Clarence Mitchell
Richard Bolling speaking with Joseph L. Rauh and Clarence Mitchell, both members of the NAACP, between meetings for the Select Committee on Committees (93rd Congress). Bolling is standing on the left...
Richard Bolling with Joseph L. Rauh and Clarence Mitchell
Richard Bolling speaking with Joseph L. Rauh and Clarence Mitchell, both members of the NAACP, between meetings for the Select Committee on Committees (93rd Congress). Bolling is standing on the left...
Richard Bolling with Joseph L. Rauh and Clarence Mitchell
Richard Bolling speaking with Joseph L. Rauh and Clarence Mitchell, both members of the NAACP, between meetings for the Select Committee on Committees (93rd Congress). Bolling is standing on the left...
Richard Bolling with Yvonne Price and Clarence Mitchell
Richard Bolling speaking with Yvonne Price and Clarence Mitchell from the NAACP between meetings for the Select Committee on Committees (93rd Congress). Bolling is on the left, looking directly at...
Richard Bolling, Jim Bolling, and Clarence Mitchell
Richard Bolling and Jim Bolling with NAACP leader Clarence Mitchell at a luncheon honoring Mitchell in Washington, D.C. Richard is standing on the right, facing Mitchell. Jim is looking back.