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Richard Bolling with Jimmy Carter and House Democrats


House Democrats meeting at Camp David with Jimmy Carter at Camp David, Maryland. Richard Bolling, Carter, and Shirley Chisholm are sitting left to right with unidentified white male congressmen...

Date Published

Richard Bolling with Jimmy Carter and House Democrats


House Democrats meeting at Camp David with Jimmy Carter at Camp David, Maryland. Richard Bolling, Carter, and Shirley Chisholm are sitting left to right with unidentified congressmen. Everyone is...

Date Published

Richard Bolling with Jimmy Carter and House Democrats


House Democrats meeting at Camp David with Jimmy Carter at Camp David, Maryland. Richard Bolling, Carter, and Shirley Chisholm are sitting left to right with unidentified white male congressmen...

Date Published

Richard Bolling with Jimmy Carter and Prudie Bolling


Richard Bolling standing left to right with Prudie Bolling and Jimmy Carter for a photo at Camp David, Maryland. Richard and Prudie are looking to the side. Photo inscribed: "To my good friends Dick &...

Date Published