Meet The Press with Democratic Majority Leader Special - December 5th, 1976
Richard Bolling sitting on a panel left to right with Democratic Representatives Phillip Burton, John McFall and Jim Wright for the "Meet the Press" TV program in Washington, D.C.
Meet The Press with Democratic Majority Leader Special - December 5th, 1976
Richard Bolling sitting on a panel left to right with Democratic Representatives Phillip Burton, John McFall and Jim Wright for the "Meet the Press" TV program in Washington, D.C. The congressmen are...
Meet The Press with Rep. Richard Bolling April 4th, 1962
Richard Bolling on the "Meet the Press" TV program in Washington, D.C. Bolling is talking into a microphone in front of a titled screen.
Meet The Press with Rep. Richard Bolling April 4th, 1962
Richard Bolling on the "Meet the Press" TV program in Washington, D.C. Bolling is sitting across from several unidentified reporters.
Richard Bolling addressing press representatives
Richard Bolling addressing press representatives during a press conference for the Legislative Committee for More Efficient Government in Washington, D.C. Bolling is sitting at a desk in front of...
Richard Bolling addressing press representatives
Richard Bolling addressing press representatives during a press conference for the Legislative Committee for More Efficient Government in Washington, D.C. Bolling is sitting at a desk in front of...
Richard Bolling addressing press representatives
Richard Bolling addressing press representatives during a press conference for the Legislative Committee for More Efficient Government in Washington, D.C. Bolling is sitting at a desk with...
Richard Bolling and Walter Cronkite at a commencement ceremony
Richard Bolling and Walter Cronkite standing with degree presenters during a prayer during a commencement ceremony at Rockhurst College; Kansas City, Missouri. Bolling is standing second from left and...
Richard Bolling and Walter Cronkite at a commencement ceremony
Richard Bolling and Walter Cronkite sitting in front of a group of graduating students during a commencement ceremony at Rockhurst College in Kansas City, Missouri. Two unidentified men are sitting to...
Richard Bolling being interviewed
Richard Bolling being interviewed by a Channel 5 reporter in Bolling's office in Washington, D.C. The reporter is sitting across the desk and holding a microphone.
Richard Bolling giving response to Reagan's Budget Message
Richard Bolling giving media representatives his response to Ronald Reagan's Budget Message in Bolling's office in Washington, D.C. Bolling is standing in front of a television camera and several...
Richard Bolling on "House Out of Order"
Bolling seated with a commentator on a radio panel for Georgetown University's "Forum of the Air" talk show, promoting "House Out of Order" program in Washington, D.C.
Richard Bolling on CNN's Newsmaker Saturday Show
Richard Bolling speaking to three unidentified reporters on CNN's Newsmaker Saturday Show in Washington, D.C.
Richard Bolling speaking to a reporter
An unidentified TV reporter interviewing Richard Bolling outside his mobile office in Kansas City, Missouri. The reporter is pointing a microphone at Bolling while he speaks. An unidentified camera...
Richard Bolling speaking with Joe Lastelic
Richard Bolling speaking with reporter Joe Lastelic of the Kansas City Star for a KCSD TV program in Washington, D.C.
Richard Bolling speaking with press representatives
Richard Bolling speaking with press representatives in Washington, D.C. Included in the crowd are Tom Madden, John Pierson, and Ed Lebreton.
Richard Bolling speaking with Wes Vernon
Richard Bolling speaking with journalist Wes Vernon for a KCSD TV program in Washington, D.C. Bolling is sitting on the left, resting his arms on the chair while talking. Vernon is sitting on the...
Richard Bolling talking with members of the press
Richard Bolling talking with members of the press for a KCSD TV program in Washington, D.C., also broadcast on KCPT. Sitting left to right are John Pierson, with the Wall Street Journal; Mary Russell...
Richard Bolling with a group of reporters
Richard Bolling sitting with a group of reporters in Washington, D.C. Bolling is raising one arm while talking.
Stan Carmack interviews Richard Bolling
KMBC-TV Channel 9 reporter Stan Carmack interviews Richard Bolling outside his mobile office in Kansas City, Missouri. Carmack is pointing a microphone at Bolling while a cameraman (partially out of...
Tip O'Neill speaking after the Democratic response to Ronald Reagan's Budget Message
Tip O'Neill speaking with media representatives after the Democratic response to Ronald Reagan's Budget Message in Washington, D.C. Richard Bolling is standing on the left. A group of reporters and...
Unidentified reporter with Richard Bolling
An unidentified reporter speaking with Richard Bolling. A camera is in the front of the room and bright lights are pointing at Bolling, sitting on the right. Bolling is holding out his hands while...
Walter Cronkite at a commencement ceremony
Walter Cronkite receiving his honorary degree during a commencement ceremony at Rockhurst College in Kansas City, Missouri. Two unidentified men are placing an academic hood on his robe.
Walter Cronkite at a commencement ceremony
Two unidentified men presenting Walter Cronkite with an honorary degree during a commencement ceremony at Rockhurst College in Kansas City, Missouri. Cronkite is standing in the center while an...