Harry S. Truman with Missouri Democratic Congressmen
Harry S. Truman standing for a photograph with Missouri Democratic Congressmen before a luncheon in Washington, D.C. Standing left to right are Raymond Karst, Richard Bolling, Speaker of the House Sam...
Harry S. Truman, Mike Kuran, and Sam Rayburn at a dining table
Harry S. Truman, Mike Kuran, and Sam Rayburn sitting left to right at a dining table during a function. Rayburn is leaning over to talk to Truman.
Illustrated portraits of Sam Rayburn
Illustrated portraits of Sam Rayburn covered in signatures as promotion for a Circus Saints and Sinners Club luncheon.
Publicity photo of Sam Rayburn
Publicity photo of Sam Rayburn sitting at his desk, looking forward with a neutral expression. Rayburn is resting his hand on documents and wearing a black suit.
Richard Bolling with Sam Rayburn
Richard Bolling, standing on the left and holding a paper, speaking with Sam Rayburn in Washington, D.C. Both Bolling and Rayburn are looking down at the paper.
Richard Bolling with Sam Rayburn
Richard Bolling, standing left, speaking with Sam Rayburn in Washington, D.C. Bolling is wearing a light colored suit and looking directly at Rayburn while talking.
Richard Bolling with Sam Rayburn
Richard Bolling presenting Sam Rayburn with a historic gavel in Washington, D.C. Bolling is standing on the left, looking down at the gavel. Rayburn is standing on the right, holding the gavel and...
Sam Rayburn at Rayburn Library
Sam Rayburn standing in front of the newly-built Sam Rayburn Library in Bonham, Texas. Rayburn is hearing a fedora and looking forward.
Sam Rayburn with Richard Bolling
Sam Rayburn speaking with Richard Bolling in Washington, D.C. Bolling is standing on the left, looking down at Rayburn while talking.
Sam Rayburn with Richard Bolling
Richard Bolling presenting Sam Rayburn with a historic gavel in Washington, D.C. Rayburn is holding the gavel and both are looking at it.
Sam Rayburn with Richard Bolling
Sam Rayburn speaking with Richard Bolling in Washington, D.C. Rayburn and Bolling are holding a piece of paper and reading it.