Panoramic view of the Grand Socco marketplace
Panorama of the public market, Grand Socco, the skyline of Tangier on the hill above the marketplace, and the Bay of Tangier in the background in Tangier, Morocco. Crowds sit, stand, and walk about...
People cross the bridge to the wharf where a steamship awaits on the Caspian Sea
Ferry at dock in the Caspian Sea with city skyline in background. The wharf sign reads in Cyrillic, "Caucases and Mercury." This was a steamship company based in Astrakhan, Russia. The wharf is...
Procession in Tangier, Morocco
Procession of people in a public square in Tangier, Morocco. One man rides a horse on a roadway ahead of a few other men on horses behind him; all others walk. Some hold large flags. Others hold long...
Queen's Hotel, Kandy, Sri Lanka
Many people stand along the street in front of a wall for the Queen's Hotel in Kandy, Sri Lanka [then Ceylon]. On the extreme left of the photograph, a man stands in the street, stops and turns to...
Red Gate
A line of horse-drawn carriages passes the left side of the Red Gate in a photograph taken from Red Gate Square in Moscow, Russia. The gate consists of dark walls, snow-white reliefs, golden capitals...
Road over the Seljestad gorge
the road over the Seljestad gorge near Hardanger, Norway, is a dirt road with large boulders set on their sides to line either side of the road. Water fills the gorge. Steep mountains rise all around...
Rotten Row
Several men wearing bowler hats stand on sidewalks that are cordoned off by posts and cables that they lean on as they watch the carriages go by on South Carriage Drive in Hyde Park in London, on the...
Royal Opera in Stockholm
A view of the Royal Swedish Opera in Stockholm, Sweden, shows a terrace on the second story roof of the building; the arched opening on the ground floor, and windows with awnings at the street level...
Schottenring in Vienna
Schottenring Street in Vienna, Austria is a wide street lined by tall buildings on both sides. Horse-drawn street cars, carriages and wagons are traveling up and down the center of the street. Crowds...
Soldiers on horses by a train track
Soldiers on horseback riding along train tracks away from the camera. The horses have kicked up a lot of dust.
Staircase of Brühlschen Terrace
horse-drawn carriages wait beside the street at the bottom of the Stairs to Brühl's Terrace in Dresden, Germany [German Empire]. People walk along the sidewalks and up and down the stairs. Statues...
Temple of the Tooth in Kandy, Sri Lanka
Temple of the Tooth (Dalada Maligawa) in Kandy, Sri Lanka [then Ceylon], is surrounded by a moat that has a parapet between the moat and the lane and then between the most and the temple on the left...
Three horses hitched to an open carriage with a driver and a passenger
A woman sits in the back seat of a horse-drawn carriage with a driver in the front seat. There are three horses hitched to the carriage. Trees are in the back of the photograph.
Tower of Pisa
Three horse-drawn carriages wait on the left, right, and center at the bottom of the bell tower in Pisa, Italy. A few men gather and lean on guide poles around the base of the leaning tower as they...
Tzar bell
Ella Loose sits in the front seat beside the driver of a horse-drawn carriage as Jacob Loose stands, holding an open umbrella over his head, behind the carriage and in front of the Tzar bell in Moscow...
Tzar bell
Jacob Loose sits in the backseat of a horse-drawn carriage with a driver on the front seat in front of the Tzar bell in Moscow, Russia, in a cobblestone plaza. The bell has a large chunk broken out of...
View of Münich
A horse-drawn carriage exits a bridge over the river in Münich, Germany. The city's skyline is visible across the back of the photograph. Embossed on the lower left-hand corner, "Verlagsanstalt f.K. u...
View of the Dead Sea
A view of the Dead Sea from the shoreline of a man on horse back with rifle and a man standing a distance from the horse both standing between driftwood and the sea. A sailing ship, with its sails...
Winding road through the mountains
A horse-drawn carriage with one passenger and a man walking beside the carriage, goes down the mountain and approaches a hairpin turn in a winding road through the mountains to the Nærøy Valley below...
Woman riding a carriage by Hardanger fjord
Photograph from the side of a woman riding a horse-drawn carriage that is stopped for a moment by Hardanger fjord, Odda harbor in Norway. A ship is anchored in the center of the fjord with its sails...
Yıldız Hamidiye Mosque and the Palace of Yildiz
Looking across gardens and an open field, a line of horses with soldiers riding them head up a road that runs in front of the Yıldız Hamidiye Mosque and the Palace of Yildiz, in Constantinople, Turkey...