House with columns and a tiled roof and a fenced second floor deck
House with tiled roof and a fenced second floor deck among trees. A man in a top hat stands beside a large garden looking at the plants. A path in the foreground of the photograph leads around the...
Houses of Parliament from across the Thames
A view of Westminster Palace from across the Thames in London, England. Four loaded barges are on the river in the foreground of the photograph. There is also a sailboat on the river. Printed in white...
Huge crowd stand outside Cathedral of the Dormition during the coronation procession of Nicholas II
A huge crowd stand outside Cathedral of the Dormition watching procession of the dignitaries into the cathedral at the coronation procession of Nicholas II at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia.
Huge crowd stand outside Cathedral of the Dormition during the coronation procession of Nicholas II
A huge crowd stand outside Cathedral of the Dormition watching the procession of the dignitaries at the cathedral during the coronation procession of Nicholas II at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia.
Huge crowd stand outside Cathedral of the Dormition during the coronation procession of Nicholas II
A huge crowd stand outside Cathedral of the Dormition watching during the coronation of Nicholas II at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia.
Ilfracombe from Hillsborough
Panorama of Ilfracombe from Hillsborough in North Devon, England. A view from atop a hill looking over the harbor and then the village of Ilfracombe. Ships are moored in the harbor. Two outcrops out...
Inside the gate of Jaffa
Many people walk on the road inside the Jaffa Gate from above. Also to be seen are a ladened camel, a few people carrying umbrellas against the sun, and two men standing on a third story balcony...
Interior of Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque
Interior view of the mosque at St. Sophie from above in Iznik, Turkey. Arched openings reveal hallways along the sides of a chancel on both the bottom and second floors. Domed ceilings with arched...
Interior of Henry VII's chapel at Westminster Abbey
Henry VII Chapel, Westminster Abbey; London, England. A view of the brass gate, a row of seats, and the two rows of crest flags hanging on either side of the chamber. Printed in white ink along the...
Interior of St. Bartholomew's Priory Church
Interior of the nave of Priory Church of St Bartholomew the Great, looking east, in London, England. Benches and chairs face the center aisle of the nave. An open Bible sits on an elaborate stand in...
Interior of the Grotto of Nativity
The interior of the Grotto of Nativity in Bethlehem, has many lamps and incense burners hanging. Printed along the bottom, "127 Grotto de la nativité interieur — Grotto of nativity interior. Damiani...
Interior of the Mosque of Omar the Rock
The interior of the Dome of the Rock, which is located at the center of the Haram al-Sharif in Jerusalem, has a hallway with arched doorways overlooking the rock. Elaborate filigreed metal grates...
Interior roof of Lady Chapel in Rosslyn Chapel
Details of the intricate stone-carved interior roof of Lady Chapel in Rosslyn Chapel in Roslin, Scotland. Printed in white ink on the bottom center of the photograph, "Details of Roof of Lady Chapel...
Island with buildings
Oval photo of homes on unknown island with both thatched huts and modern buildings. A flag pole is hoisted on the top of a knob. Tents are in lines on the shore of the coast.
Istana Tyersall from the botanical garden in Tyersell Park
A view of Tyersall Palace (Istana Tyersall) between two palm trees in the foreground of the photograph, on the hill in the center of the photograph, from the botanical garden in Tyersall Park in...
Isurumuniya Temple in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
The doorway into the shrine room at Isurumuniya Temple in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka [then Ceylon], is a doorway into the side of large boulders. A man stands on either side of the door. The man left of...
Itsukushima Shrine
The Itsukushima Shrine is a Ryōbu-style torii. It is a Shinto shrine on the island of Itsukushima. The shrine stands in water that is surrounded by mountains.
Jacob and Ella Loose admire bunches of grapes with another woman
Jacob and Ella Loose stand outside of a building with the louvered shutters opened outwardly and the inner glass windows opened in toward the inside of the building. An unidentified woman stands on a...
Jacob and Ella Loose at Jīzah, Egypt
Three local guides stand next to the two camels that they are leading that Jacob Loose and Ella Loose are riding, at the Great Sphinx and the pyramids in Giza, Egypt. Another local person is climbing...
Jacob and Ella Loose at Jīzah, Egypt
Jacob Loose stands with his left side to the camera as he looks at a local guide who may be a teenage boy. A camel is lying on the ground beside the guide with his neck stretched flat on the ground...
Jacob and Ella Loose hold bunches of grapes with an unidentified woman
Jacob and Ella Loose stand outside of a building with the louvered shutter panels opened outwardly and the inner glass windows opened in toward the inside of the building. An unidentified woman stands...
Jacob and Ella Loose, with a guide, visit the Jordan River
Ella Loose sits on the shore of the Jordan River in Palestine, as Jacob Loose with a guide, stand looking out over the water. A line of mountains run along the back of the photograph. Jacob's hands...
Jacob Loose boards a ship
Jacob Loose, wearing a flat cap and an overcoat, squints at the camera as he is carrying luggage on board ship. He has a package tucked under his arm.
Jacob Loose out on a walk
Jacob Loose, in suit and hat holding a walking stick, standing outside hotel as he talks a walk up a hillside toward tall trees.
Jacob Loose sits outdoors as he reads
Jacob Loose seated outdoors in chair reading in profile to the camera. A large planter filled with plants provides shade for him. Date palms line the patio he sits on. A tall building, possibly a...