Sculpting Mount Rushmore
Workers, tethered on ropes, carving the George Washington and Thomas Jefferson busts on Mount Rushmore in Keystone, South Dakota. Signed in ink in the lower, right-hand corner, "Greetings to MM Ella C...
Sculpting Mount Rushmore
Sculptors, tethered to ropes, hang about the busts of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln as they work on Mount Rushmore under construction.
Sea baths and bath houses at Saltsjöbaden
The salt sea baths and the bathhouses out in the Baltic Sea at Saltsjöbaden, Sweden, with the restaurant on land at the base of forested mountains. Printed in white ink in the margin below the...
Seaside resort at Saltsjöbaden
A panoramic view of the seaside resort at Saltsjöbaden, Sweden, includes a restaurant on one treed peninsula, a hotel on another forested peninsula, and bathhouses, moored sailboats, in the crescent...
Seine river from Pont de la Tournelle
Seine River and Paris skyline showing Notre-Dame Cathedral, viewed from the Tournelle Bridge to the west in Paris, France. Two boats float near the shoreline on the left side of the photograph. The...
Sepulchral bull
The sepulchral bull and other miscellaneous funerary statuary ruins in Athens, Greece. Printed in white script on the bottom left-hand corner of the photograph, "57 Céramique." Printed in white ink on...
Seville, Spain, from across the Triana bridge
Panoramic view of Seville, Spain, from across the Triana bridge over the Guadalquivir River, Andalusia, Spain. Ships line the docks between the bridge and Seville. A few people are crossing the bridge...
Shop in Zurich, Switzerland at the base of a cliff
A chalet-type building stands in front of a cliff on a village street in Zurich, Switzerland. Two officers and a worker stand at the base of a ladder on the right side of the photograph as a couple...
Shopkeeper stands in the doorway of a brush and mat shop below God's Providence House
God's Providence House, 9 Watergate Street and 11–11A Watergate Row, in Chester, England. The house is built in sandstone and timber framing with plaster panels and a slate roof. It has four stories...
Shore along a Venice waterway
Waterside view of Venice, Italy, includes men working on the shore among the boats moored by the shore. Buildings, possibly apartments, one with a clock tower, line the shore.
Shoreline in Cadenabbia
The shoreline runs along the right side of the photographic encompassing porches and patios that extend from the houses or hotels that run along the shore in Cadenabbia. Italy. A couple boats are tied...
Showing off the catch
Four unidentified men hold a bar with three fish on it on the deck of a sailing ship. A chef stands to the right of the men. A bell is beside his head. Three other men stand to the left of the men...
Singhalese fishing boat
A Sri Lankan man stands by the mast of the sail on the framework where the outrigger is attached to the boat in a Sinhalese fishing boat called a Bala Oruwa that sits on the beach in Sri Lanka [then...
Singhalese lady
An unidentified Sinhalese woman in traditional clothing and jewelry rests her forearm and elbow on a table and touches her ear with her left hand in Sri Lanka [then Ceylon], in a close-up photograph...
Six men stand in the inner Temple of the Tooth
Unidentified group standing in front of inner Temple of the Tooth (Dalada Maligawa) in Kandy, Sri Lanka [then Ceylon]. Six men stand in front of a porch above and behind them that completely surrounds...
Sixes of the Cathedral of Seville
The boy dancers of Seville Cathedral in their traditional costume, stand in a "V" formation with one boy in the center of the "V" facing away from the photographer. A column stands to the left of the...
Skyline view of Antwerp
A panoramic view of the city of Antwerp, Belgium, with ships on the river in the background. Printed in white ink in the margin below the photograph, "1. — Anders. — Vue Générale. (L.P., phot.)"
Soldiers on horses by a train track
Soldiers on horseback riding along train tracks away from the camera. The horses have kicked up a lot of dust.
South front of Hampton Court
South front of the Tudor-style Hampton Court Palace in London, England. A row of potted trees sit along a fence that runs the entire length of the palace. Repetitive windows beneath a long flat...
South front of the Kremlin
A view of the south front of the Kremlin from across the Moskva River from the old bridge.
Southwest façade of Hampton Court
The brick with Portland stone dressing, frames and banding on the buildings of the southwest façade are in two stories on the left side of the photograph and three stories on the right of the Hampton...
Spanish harbor at night
A Spanish harbor at night shows a dock with ladders raised on either side of the photograph over the bow of the water vessel from which the photograph was taken. Electrical lines strung across tall...
Sri Lanka man plays a pungi for a cobra snake to move to
A barefoot Sri Lankan man in traditional clothing, who is a snake charmer, crouches on the ground and closes his eyes as he plays a pungi in Sri Lanka [then Ceylon]. A cobra snake is on the ground in...
St Deiniol's Church interior
St Deiniol's Church interior in Hawarden, Wales. A photograph from the nave toward the altar. Lines of pews are on each side of the aisle. A chandelier hangs over each set of pews. Arches on pillars...
St. Maclou
A view of the Gothic-style Church of Saint-Maclou in Rouen, France, from Place Barthélémy. This view is the west façade in which a rose window opens behind one of the gables above a bay. In front of...