226 - 250 of 480 items

Jardin du Luxembourg


A view across the wide walkways, garden, and pool at the Luxembourg Palace and Garden in Paris, France. A few people stand around the wall of the pond. Printing in white on the bottom right-hand side...

Date Published
1891 to 1900

Jordan River


From the muddy shoreline of the Jordan River, is a view of the trees and cliffs on the other side. Printed in white ink on the bottom, center of the photograph, "149. Le Jourdain. — Jordan. Damiani...

Date Published
1891 to 1900

Karacaahmet Cemetery in Constantinople, Turkey


Turkish Islamic women stand and sit in the Karacaahmet Cemetery [Karacaahmet Mezarlığı] in Constantinople, Turkey. One woman sits on the surrounding rock wall and holds a toddler on her lap. The...

Date Published
1871 to 1880

Karl Johans Street in Oslo, Norway


A panoramic view of Karl Johans Street in Oslo Norway with the Grand Hotel on the right front of the photograph. Many men and women walk the sidewalks beside buildings with awnings over the windows...

Date Published
1895 to 1900



Panorama of Keswick, a village nestled in a valley surrounded by a mountain range in the Lake District of England. Dertwentwater (lake) can be seen in the background in the upper left-hand corner of...

Date Published
1891 to 1900

Kingswear Castle and Dartmouth Castle


The fortress-style Kingswear Castle juts out of the rocky shore in the foreground and on the right side of the photograph, as Dartmouth Castle stands on the rocky shore on the other side of the River...

Date Published
1891 to 1900

Labyrinth of columns and arches


The labyrinth of columns in the Great Mosque of Córdoba in Cordoba, Spain, includes arches of contrasting colors across the top of every two columns. Printed in white ink in the margin below the...

Date Published
1891 to 1900

Låtefossen waterfall in Norway


A waterfall, called Låtefossen, divides in two as it descends the mountains down to the water. A bridge crosses the body of water the waterfall lands in. A house sits on a cliff to the right of the...

Date Published
1891 to 1900

Liberian coffee plant


Close-up photograph of a Liberian coffee plant with flowers, fruit, and leaves. Printed caption on the bottom center right in white, "Coffea Liberia - Liberian Coffee. -. Handwritten in white ink on...

Date Published
1894 to 1900

Llandudno, Wales


Llandudno, Wales, as seen from a mountain northwest of the city. The town lies down by the water of Llandudno Bay. The shoreline of the bay is a crescent. A few boats are moored out on the water. The...

Loading a pleasure boat


Ten unidentified people, five women, three men, and two boys, are loaded onto a pleasure boat that is docked on a lake. Two flags are displayed from the boat. A steam pipe runs up the center of the...

Date Published
1891 to 1900

Looking through binoculars


An unidentified man, possibly Jacob Loose, looks through binoculars from a hill he stands on among tall trees back toward a building that might be a hotel on the next hill over.

Date Published
1891 to 1900

Loose's and friends take an elephant ride


Ella and Jacob Loose along with two unidentified people are seated on a saddle on an elephant in India. A driver straddles the elephant's neck by sitting on a blanket as he holds a hook. A helper...

Loose's and friends take an elephant ride


The Indian photographer turns to look at the photographer as he stands behind a camera on a tripod covered with a dark blanket. Four other Indian men stand about the yard the elephant stands in. Two...

Lubyanka Square


A horse-drawn streetcar passes in front of, possibly, the Konstantino-Eleninskaya Tower as people enjoy the Lubyanka Square. To the right of the tower is the Vladimir Gate on the Kremlin grounds in...

Date Published
1895 to 1900

Lynmouth from the Torrs


Village and Lynmouth Bay harbor view of Lynmouth and Lynton from the Tors Hotel in Lynmouth, England. The village sits in the valley below the mountains that both line the Lynmouth Bay. A few large...

Date Published
1865 to 1870

Maddalena by Carlo Dolci


A photograph of the detail of a painting of Mary Magdalene looking up in wonder as painted by Carlo Dolci that is displayed in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy. Printed along the bottom of the...

Date Published
1891 to 1900

Man plowing a field


A Middle Eastern peasant man is plowing a rocky field with a bovine and a donkey hooked up to the plow. The field is surrounded by a rock wall. Two trees stand in the field. Another bovine and another...

Date Published
1891 to 1900

Man stands on lane that runs under a Banyan tree


An unidentified Sri Lankan man stands with his hand resting on his hip along a lane that passes under the split roots and trunk of a banyan tree. Each side of the lane is covered by a Banyan tree...

Date Published
1894 to 1900

man with a backpack


An unidentified man from his left side in Tangier, Morocco. He stands on long grass with a backdrop behind him. He wears a turban, a short robe, shorts, and shoes without heels. He carries a full...

Date Published
1894 to 1900

Manger in the Church of the Nativity


The manger in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. Four lamps or incense burners sit along the back of the manger. A cage is long across the front of the manger. An embroidered cloth hangs on the...

Date Published
1891 to 1900

Maradana, Sri Lanka


A street scene in Maradana, a suburb of Colombo, in Sri Lanka [then Ceylon]. People in traditional clothing walk up and down a dirt lane between two rows of one-story buildings. Two people walking...

Date Published
1894 to 1900