Beach at Biarritz, France
Bathers enjoy the water and the beach at Port Vieux in Biarritz, Basque Country, France. Two people sit in a rowboat a bit away from the beach and the swimmers. A steep hill lines the beach on the...
Bedroom of Anne of Austria
Bedroom of Anne of Austria in the Palace of Fontainebleau in Fontainebleau, France, has a canopied bed against a tapestry covered wall. A few chairs line the wall by the fireplace. The floor is...
Bergen from Fløyfjellet viewpoint at the top of Mount Fløyen
Panoramic view over the city of Bergen and the Norwegian Sea from the Fløyfjellet viewpoint at the top of Mount Fløyen, Norway. Printed in white ink on the bottom, left-hand corner of the photograph,...
Bishop Lloyd's house
Bishop Lloyd's House, 41 Watergate Street, and 51/53 Watergate Row in Chester, England. The Tudor building has the appearance of two houses, each under a gable, with three stories, and an attic in...
Black man, woman, and child stand on the porch of a house with a dog
An unidentified black couple and a black child stand on the porch of a home with a dog. The home has a clay tile roof. Grapes grow on a trellis beside the home. Birds in cages hang from the roof over...
Blea Tarn, Langdale
A panoramic photograph of the rocky shoreline of Blea Tarn in the Langdale Valley in the Lake District of England surrounded by a mountain range. Tall evergreen trees line the shore on the left side...
Unidentified woman, possibly Ella Loose, is rowing a boat in profile to the camera. The far shore is forested. There is another pontoon-type boat on the right side of the photograph.
Bollnäs cottage
Bollnäs cottage in Skansen, is a one-story house with three chimneys coming out of the top of the house. One woman in traditional dress stands on the covered porch in the center of the home at the...
Botanical Garden of Brussels
A photograph looking over lanes outlined by boxed bushes leading to the green house of the Botanical Garden of Brussels in Brussels, Belgium. A concrete fence is in the foreground. A tall building of...
Bowness Bay, Windermere, England
A view of the village Bowness-on-Windermere from the bay and across Windermere (lake) in England. A man rows a skiff from the marshes surrounding Bell Isle, whose forested shore is visible on the...
Boy from Sri Lanka
A profile view of the head and chest of an unidentified boy in Sri Lanka [then Ceylon]. His hair is pulled back in a low bun just above his neck. Printed in white ink on the bottom right-hand corner,...
Boys with a pineapple
Two unidentified boys are one holding a pineapple in Sri Lanka [then Ceylon]. One boy sits on a table in the center of the photograph and another boy stands beside him to the left. Plants and...
Brahmin woman
An unidentified Brahmin woman in Sri Lanka [then Ceylon], stands in front of banana leaves with her hands crossed on her lap as she looks off to the right. She wears ornate jewelry from her nose, ears...
Brandenburg Gate
Brandenburg Gate in Potsdam, Germany [German Empire], is a large, sculpted, concrete structure with three arched gateways at the base, the middle gate is the tallest and widest, and statues of...
A close-up photograph of a breadfruit tree branch with two breadfruit hanging from it in Sri Lanka [then Ceylon]. Printed in black ink in the lower left-hand corner, "C. Scowen. Ceylon." Printed in...
Breadfruit tree
A fully laden breadfruit tree in Sri Lanka [then Ceylon], stands in a field of trees. The photograph is an oval inset on a white background.
Bridge across a stream with a view of Romsdalshorn
A bridge across a stream with a view of the valley beyond and the mountain Romsdalshorn in the alps near Romsdalen, Norway. The lane that emerges from the bridge beyond the water is lined by rock...
Brühl's Terrace
A few people stand along the terrace with the waterway on the right side of the photograph at Brühl's Terrace, Dresden. Buildings line a cliff on the left side of the terrace. Boats are docked along...
Buda Castle Tunnel in Budapest, Hungary.
People and a dog stand and walk along the sidewalks on either side of the road leading through the Buda Castle Tunnel in Budapest, Hungary. Carriages, a pushcart, and a man on a horse use the road...
Bullfight in Seville, Spain
A bullfight in Seville, Spain, shows a picador on a light colored horse in the bullring holding a long spear under his arm and pointing toward the bull's head. Three matadors in full regalia stand in...
Bullock cart and Sri Lanken men and boys in front of a market
Unidentified men and boys, barefoot and in traditional clothing, look at the camera as they stand on a sidewalk in front of an open-air market with Sinhala ulu roof, and a bullock cart in the street...
Busy docks
The docks at the fish market in Bergen, Norway, are very busy with many people walking and standing along the docks of paving stones. Many, many sail ships are out in the quay. A couple of stands are...
Busy harbor city
A photograph of the fish market in Bergen, Norway, back toward the harbor village. The city buildings line the wide dock and a few buildings stand up the sides of the mountain in the back of the...
Busy harbor of sailing ships in front of a city
Sailing ships are moored in a crowded harbor, perhaps Piraeus, Greece, with a view of the city behind the harbor. All along the back of the photograph is a mountain range. A dirt road leading to the...
Buttermere Lake and environs in the Lake District, England
A man stands holding a gate that crosses the road halfway open as two-wheeled cart waits to pass through the gate at Buttermere Lake and environs in the Lake District, England. A tall rock wall lines...