Harbor and village
A view of the village above the harbor at Corfu, Greece, includes a ship moored in the harbor, low buildings along the water side and taller buildings on the cliffs above the water. A fort structure...
Harbor at Gudvangen
A shipped is docked in the harbor in Gudvangen fjord, Norway. A road beside the ship leads to a small boathouse. Steep mountains rise on either side of the fjord. A small rowboat sits on the shore in...
Hawarden Castle from the garden
A view of the [new] Hawarden Castle in Hawarden, England, from the garden which is made of formal flowerbeds in geometrical shapes with walking paths around each bed. Vines climb the walls of the...
Hawarden Church
St Deiniol's Church in Hawarden, Wales, is a Gothic and Gothic Revival-style church with a clock tower and a conical section on top of the clock tower. The slanted roof consists of horizontal lines of...
Henry IV's bedroom in Pau castle
The bedroom of Henry IV in Pau Castle in Pau, France, has a bed with a large frame, tapestries on the walls, and a chandelier in the center of the room over a round table. Chairs line the walls.
High Street in Clovelly, Scotland
Two unidentified men guide three pack donkeys by walking away from the camera up the terraced and cobblestoned High Street in Clovelly, England. A woman, that is partially blurred, is walking away...
Holy Sepulcher
A side view of the structure in the middle of the dome, Holy Edicule, is built directly over the tomb in the interior of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. The Holy Edicule is covered in...
horse-drawn carriage in front of a large building
A woman is seated in the back seat of a horse-drawn carriage in front of unknown building with very large columns. A driver sits in the front seat holding the reins to the horse and has his legs...
Hotel at Saltsjöbaden
The hotel at the seaside resort at Saltsjöbaden, Sweden, stands on the shoreline among evergreen trees. A man stands on the rock wall between the hotel and the body of water. Printed in white ink in...
Hotel Cluny, National Museum of the Middle Ages
The brick street is empty outside the exterior of Musée de Cluny, in Paris, France. It is also known as Musée national du Moyen Âge – Thermes et hôtel de Cluny. (Hotel Cluny, National Museum of the...
Hotel de Bourgtheroulde
Hotel de Bourgtheroulde in Rouen, France, is a stone mansion of Gothic architecture. The staircase up to an entrance is on the left side of the photograph. A three story tower with arched windows on...
Hotel de Ville
Hôtel de Ville in Paris, France, has French Renaissance Revival architecture. The photograph is from across the Pl. de l'Hôtel de Ville from the southeast corner. The street has two horse-drawn...
Hotel Europäischer Hof and Hotel Sendig
People walk or stand on the streets out in front of Hotel Europäischer Hof and Hotel Sendig in Dresden, Germany [German Empire]. Some windows on the first floor have awnings hanging over the sidewalks...
House of Argo
The ruins of the home of the Argo family in Herculaneum, is reduced to the columns that held the roof, walkways, and walls. Printed in the left-hand corner in the margin below the photograph, "1293...
House of Lords
House of Lords in the Palace of Westminster in London, England. The royal throne stands at the far end of the chamber on a raised platform. A tall candelabra on either side just outside the barrier...
House of Marco Lucretius
The ruins of the house of Marco Lucrezio in Pompeii, Italy, reveals statuary and busts positioned on top of tall, narrow columns. Between chimneys and roof supports are rock walls with light-colored...
House with columns and a tiled roof and a fenced second floor deck
House with tiled roof and a fenced second floor deck among trees. A man in a top hat stands beside a large garden looking at the plants. A path in the foreground of the photograph leads around the...
Houses of Parliament from across the Thames
A view of Westminster Palace from across the Thames in London, England. Four loaded barges are on the river in the foreground of the photograph. There is also a sailboat on the river. Printed in white...
Huge crowd stand outside Cathedral of the Dormition during the coronation procession of Nicholas II
A huge crowd stand outside Cathedral of the Dormition watching procession of the dignitaries into the cathedral at the coronation procession of Nicholas II at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia.
Huge crowd stand outside Cathedral of the Dormition during the coronation procession of Nicholas II
A huge crowd stand outside Cathedral of the Dormition watching the procession of the dignitaries at the cathedral during the coronation procession of Nicholas II at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia.
Huge crowd stand outside Cathedral of the Dormition during the coronation procession of Nicholas II
A huge crowd stand outside Cathedral of the Dormition watching during the coronation of Nicholas II at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia.
Ilfracombe from Hillsborough
Panorama of Ilfracombe from Hillsborough in North Devon, England. A view from atop a hill looking over the harbor and then the village of Ilfracombe. Ships are moored in the harbor. Two outcrops out...
Inside the gate of Jaffa
Many people walk on the road inside the Jaffa Gate from above. Also to be seen are a ladened camel, a few people carrying umbrellas against the sun, and two men standing on a third story balcony...
Interior of Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque
Interior view of the mosque at St. Sophie from above in Iznik, Turkey. Arched openings reveal hallways along the sides of a chancel on both the bottom and second floors. Domed ceilings with arched...
Interior of Henry VII's chapel at Westminster Abbey
Henry VII Chapel, Westminster Abbey; London, England. A view of the brass gate, a row of seats, and the two rows of crest flags hanging on either side of the chamber. Printed in white ink along the...