Walt Bodine and Jean Glenn broadcast at a WDAF studio
Walt Bodine and Jean Glenn broadcast at a WDAF studio. The two are seated at a desk and speak in a microphone before them. A telephone and other broadcast equipment are on the table. Glenn holds a pen...
Walt Bodine and Jean Glenn interview Bobby Kennedy
Walt Bodine (left) and Jean Glenn (right) interview Robert (Bobby) Kennedy. Kennedy and Glenn look in Bodine's direction who appears to be speaking into the microphone. The three figures are pictured...
Walt Bodine and Jean Glenn interview Rock Hudson
Walt Bodine (left) and Jean Glenn (right) interview Rock Hudson. The three figures are pictured from approximately chest to head, their faces in profile or three quarter profile. Hudson faces Glenn...
Walt Bodine and other unidentified reporters on a contact sheet
Walt Bodine and other unidentified reporters on a contact sheet at WDAF studios. Bodine appears in 2 images in the third column of the contact sheet-the middle image and the bottommost image. In these...
Walt Bodine and Randall Jessee at an event for the 1954 United Campaign
Walt Bodine and Randall Jessee stand at a podium during an event for the 1954 United Campaign. Both men look at the camera, smiling, and are pictured approximately from knee to head. A banner on the...
Walt Bodine and two unidentified people speak at a panel discussion
Walt Bodine (right) and two unidentified people speak at a panel discussion. The three figures sit at a table in front of an audience. Bodine appears to be speaking, and he gesticulates with one hand...
Walt Bodine and unidentified man look at a newspaper
Walt Bodine with an unidentified man possibly during his time with WDAF. The two sit at a table, looking at a newspaper. The man on the left of the image holds a pen. Bodine appears to hold a...
Walt Bodine and unidentified newsroom writers
Walt Bodine and unidentified newsroom writers most likely in the WDAF studios. Bodine appears with two unidentified newsroom staff in the top left image. Bodine crosses one arm on his chest while the...
Walt Bodine as a toddler
Walt Bodine as a child, 1879 Armstrong, Kansas City, KS. Bodine faces the camera, pictured from head to toe. A house is in the background. A woman looks out the front door on the right of the image.
Walt Bodine as a toddler in a toy car
Walt Bodine as a toddler in a toy car, 910 Northrup, Kansas City, Kansas. Bodine looks at the camera and smiles. He is outside what appears to be a house. A fence and steps are seen behind him.
Walt Bodine as a toddler with 3 unidentified women
Walt Bodine as a toddler with 3 unidentified women, 1879 Armstrong, Kansas City, KS. The three women look at the camera while Bodine looks to his right. A neighborhood street is seen in the background...
Walt Bodine as a young boy
Walt Bodine as a young boy standing next to an automobile. Bodine is pictured from head to toe. A woman stands to his left, but her face is obscured perhaps from overexposure.
Walt Bodine as a young man with a young woman named Tootsie
Walt Bodine as a young man with a young woman named Tootsie. The two stand side by side, pictured from approximately head to toe. Bodine stands with his hands together, and both look at the camera...
Walt Bodine at a military airport
Walt Bodine at a military airport. Bodine faces the camera, smiling. He is pictured from approximately waist to head. Military planes are behind him.
Walt Bodine at a military airport
Walt Bodine at a military airport. Bodine faces the camera, smiling. He is pictured from approximately waist to head. Military planes and automobiles are behind him.
Walt Bodine at a picnic with two unidentified men
Walt Bodine (right) at a picnic with two unidentified men, possibly high school reunion. Bodine looks at the camera and holds his glasses in his hands. The men are pictured approximately waist to head...
Walt Bodine at a picnic with two unidentified men
Walt Bodine (right) at a picnic with two unidentified men, possibly high school reunion. Bodine looks to his right, possibly speaking. The men are seated, facing the camera. Bodine holds his glasses...
Walt Bodine at broadcast with an unidentified man
Walt Bodine at broadcast with an unidentified man perhaps during his time with WDAF. Bodine is in profile, looking at the man. A microphone is on the table before them. Both men are pictured from...
Walt Bodine at broadcast with two unidentified men
Walt Bodine (center) at broadcast with two unidentified men. The men sit at a table with a microphone in front of them. The man closest to the camera wears a pair of headphones. Coffee cups, photos...
Walt Bodine at broadcast with two unidentified men
Walt Bodine (right) at broadcast with two unidentified men. Bodine sits at a table, pictured from approximately waist to head, in conversation with the man in the center of the photo. The man on the...
Walt Bodine at broadcast with two unidentified men
Walt Bodine (right) at broadcast with two unidentified men. Bodine sits at a table, pictured from approximately waist to head, facing the two men. A framed newspaper article in the background...
Walt Bodine at formal dinner event with four unknown persons
Walt Bodine (bottom center) with four unidentified people at what appears to be a formal dinner event. Bodine smiles, looking off-camera while the others smile and look into the camera. Bodine is...
Walt Bodine at the Harry S. Truman Public Service Award Ceremony
Walt Bodine likely at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library & Museum when he was awarded the Harry S. Truman Public Service Award. Bodine is seated, gazing off-camera and smiling. His name tag...
Walt Bodine at the Harry S. Truman Public Service Award Ceremony
Walt Bodine likely at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library & Museum when he was awarded the Harry S. Truman Public Service Award. Bodine is seated at a table, smiling, and looking off-camera. He...
Walt Bodine at the Panama Canal
Walt Bodine at the Panama Canal. Bodine leans against a railing, pictured approximately waist to head. Ships are behind him, to the left of the image. Bodine looks into the camera, perhaps squinting...