Bernadine Bodine and Walt Bodine dine with an unidentified couple
Bernadine Bodine (left) and Walt Bodine (second from left) dine with an unidentified couple. The four sit at a table, looking and smiling at the camera. Dishes and a bottle of Heinz 57 sauce are on...
Bernadine Bodine with unidentified woman
Bernadine Bodine (right) with an unidentified woman seated at a table. Both women gaze off-camera, smiling, resting their chins on their hands. A coffee cup in a saucer is on the table before the...
Two unidentified women dine
Two unidentified women dine. The two women sit at a table and look into the camera, smiling. Both are pictured from approximately chest to head. A basket and glasses are on the table.
Unidentified crowd at dining event
An unidentified crowd at a dining event is seated around a table. One man on the left of the image stands with a microphone, addressing the crowd. Some audio equipment appears on the right of the...
Walt and Bernadine Bodine at a social event
Walt and Bernadine Bodine are at social event. Bodine takes a plate of food offered by another person and smiles at him. Bodine is pictured approximately waist to head. Bernadine Bodine is in the left...
Walt and Bernadine Bodine at a social event
Walt and Bernadine Bodine are at a social event speaking to an unidentified man. Bodine appears in three quarter profile, pictured from knees to head. Bernadine looks at the unknown man, also pictured...
Walt Bodine dines on a train with several unidentified people
Walt Bodine dines on a train with several unidentified people. Bodine looks at the camera, smiling broadly, a beverage and plate on the table before him. He and three others are seated at the dining...
Walt Bodine dines with an unidentified couple
Walt Bodine (left) dines with an unidentified couple. The three sit at a table, looking and smiling at the camera. Bodine holds a coffee cup. Dishes and a bottle of Heinz 57 sauce are on the table...
Walt Bodine dines with an unidentified couple
Walt Bodine (left) dines with an unidentified couple. The three sit at a table, looking and smiling at the camera. Dishes and a bottle of Heinz 57 sauce are on the table. The woman wears a Union...
Walt Bodine looks at the camera
Walt Bodine looks at the camera, perhaps at a restaurant. He is pictured from approximately chest to head with his hands folded before him. In the photo, Bodine is not smiling and wears casual dress...
Walt Bodine mingles with unidentified individuals at a social function
Walt Bodine mingles with unidentified individuals at a social function. Bodine is pictured in all 8 photos on the contact sheet, generally pictured from knees to head and in profile. In each picture...
Walt Bodine mingles with unidentified individuals at a social function
Walt Bodine mingles with unidentified individuals at a social function. Bodine is pictured in all 8 photos on the contact sheet, generally pictured from knees to head and in profile. In each picture...