Bill Griffith and unidentified newsroom writers
Bill Griffith and unidentified newsroom writers most likely at WDAF studios. In the left column, the camera's vantage point looks down a long table with a full ashtray in the foreground and two...
Bill Griffith, Bill Leeds, and an unidentified newsroom writer
Bill Griffith, Bill Leeds, and an unidentified newsroom writer most likely at WDAF studios. Bill Griffith appears in the two topmost images in the left column. Pictured in profile from approximately...
Bill Leeds and an unidentified man work in the WDAF station
Bill Leeds (right) and an unidentified man (left) work at the WDAF station. Leeds smokes a cigarette. The unidentified man drinks a bottle of Coca-Cola in one image and rests his head on his hand in...
Bill Leeds and Bill Griffith in the studio
Bill Leeds and Bill Griffith at WDAF studios. The men appear in profile in the majority of the photos on the contact sheet with the exception of the left, middle photo where Bill Leeds leans back in...
Bill Leeds and unidentified co-workers
Bill Leeds and unidentified co-workers at WDAF studios. Leeds, pictured from chest to head, writes on a typewriter in the left column photos and in the bottommost photo in the right column. In the...
Bill Leeds and unidentified newsroom writers
Bill Leeds and unidentified newsroom writers most likely at WDAF studios. Bill Leeds appears in the top left and bottom right images of this contact sheet. He appears in profile and is pictured from...
Bill Leeds with unidentified newsroom writers at WDAF studios
Bill Leeds with unidentified newsroom writers at WDAF studios. Leeds is pictured in profile from approximately waist to head in most of the photos. He works alongside two unidentified co-workers in...
Bill Leeds, Bill Griffith, and unidentified newsroom writers
Bill Leeds, Bill Griffith, and unidentified newsroom writers at WDAF studios. Bill Griffith, pictured from approximately chest to head, appears in the middle column photos. Bill Leeds leans over a...
Group of KPRS station newsmen and staffers with captions imposed
A Group of KPRS station newsmen and staffers (white men, one African American man) with humorous captions imposed. The group of men stand behind desks, and most appear to look at the camera, posing...
Unidentified newsroom writers
Unidentified newsroom writers most likely at WDAF studios. In the left column of photos unidentified writers work on typewriters. A man, pictured from approximately waist to head, looks downward at...
Unidentified woman and an unidentified man work on a news story
An unidentified woman and an unidentified man work on a news story. This image was perhaps taken during Bodine's time with WDAF. The woman holds a paper which she appears to read from. She holds a...
Unidentified woman stands in an unknown location
An unidentified woman stands in an unknown location. She is pictured from approximately knees to head. She holds one hand up to her head, perhaps touching her hair. In her other hand she holds what...
Walt Bodine and a co-worker in the studio
Walt Bodine and co-workers at WDAF studios. Bodine appears in several of the photos. In the third column, Bodine sits behind a typewriter. He is pictured from approximately chest to head. Bodine also...
Walt Bodine and a co-worker in the studio
Walt Bodine in the studio with a co-worker at WDAF studios. Bodine appears in profile in several of the images on the contact sheet. He stands beside an unidentified co-worker; both men lean over a...
Walt Bodine and co-workers in the studio
Walt Bodine, Bill Leeds, and unidentified co-workers at WDAF studios. Bodine appears in the three photos in the left column. He speaks to two unidentified co-workers behind a table and is pictured...
Walt Bodine and other unidentified reporters on a contact sheet
Walt Bodine and other unidentified reporters on a contact sheet at WDAF studios. Bodine appears in 2 images in the third column of the contact sheet-the middle image and the bottommost image. In these...
Walt Bodine and unidentified man look at a newspaper
Walt Bodine with an unidentified man possibly during his time with WDAF. The two sit at a table, looking at a newspaper. The man on the left of the image holds a pen. Bodine appears to hold a...
Walt Bodine and unidentified newsroom writers
Walt Bodine and unidentified newsroom writers most likely in the WDAF studios. Bodine appears with two unidentified newsroom staff in the top left image. Bodine crosses one arm on his chest while the...
Walt Bodine in the studio with a co-worker
Walt Bodine at WDAF studios. Bodine appears in profile in several of the images on the contact sheet. He stands beside an unidentified co-worker; both men lean over a desk, looking at photographs...
Walt Bodine in the studio with co-workers
Walt Bodine at WDAF studios with co-workers. Bodine appears in every photo in the contact sheet. In the left column Bodine sits at a desk. In the topmost, he faces the camera, pictured from...
Walt Bodine in the studio with co-workers
Walt Bodine at WDAF studios with co-workers. Bodine appears in every photo in the contact sheet except the bottom left where an unidentified co-worker stands in the studio, reading a piece of paper. A...
Walt Bodine in the studio with co-workers
Walt Bodine at WDAF studios with co-workers. Bodine appears in the three pictures in the right column on the contact sheet. In all three images he holds a telephone in the cradle of his neck while...
Walt Bodine in the studio with co-workers
Walt Bodine at WDAF studios with co-workers. Bodine appears in the 3 images in the center column of photos on the contact sheet. In these images, he is pictured from feet to head with his back toward...
Walt Bodine in the studio with co-workers
Walt Bodine at WDAF studios with co-workers. Bodine appears in the 3 images in the left column on the contact sheet. He is generally pictured from chest to head in the photos and appears in profile in...
Walt Bodine with five unidentified people
Walt Bodine (third from left) and Jean Glenn (fourth from left) with 4 unidentified people. All 6 people sit at a table, pictured approximately from waist to head. Most present look at the man on the...