Bernadine Bodine in Lower Slaughter, England
Bernadine Bodine in the village of Lower Slaughter, England. She looks and smiles at the camera, pictured from approximately waist to head. A post office is behind her with a sign that reads The Post...
Bernadine Bodine sits in a living room
Bernadine Bodine sits in a living room. She is seated in a large chair, facing the camera and smiling. Bodine is pictured approximately from waist to head. A lamp, staircase railing, and coat are in...
Edwin Meese and George McGovern in studio
Edwin Meese (left) and George McGovern (right) sit in a studio during an episode of The Walt Bodine Show on KCUR. Meese is speaking, and McGovern listens. Both men are pictured from waist to head...
Edwin Meese and George McGovern in studio
Edwin Meese (left) and George McGovern (right) sit in a studio during an episode of The Walt Bodine Show on KCUR. Both men are pictured from waist to head, smiling. They are seated behind microphones...
Edwin Meese and George McGovern speak in studio
Edwin Meese (left) and George McGovern (right) appear in the studio during an episode of The Walt Bodine Show on KCUR. Meese is speaking. Both men are pictured from waist to head, wearing headphones...
Edwin Meese and Walt Bodine in the studio
Edwin Meese (left) and Walt Bodine (right) speak in a studio during a break on an episode of The Walt Bodine Show on KCUR. The On Air indicator is not lit, and the men have removed their headphones...
Edwin Meese, George McGovern, and an unidentified woman in studio
Edwin Meese, George McGovern, and an unidentified white woman (from left to right) appear in a studio during an episode of The Walt Bodine Show on KCUR. All figures are pictured from waist to head...
Edwin Meese, George McGovern, and an unidentified woman in studio
Edwin Meese, George McGovern, and an unidentified white woman (left to right) appear in a studio during an episode of The Walt Bodine Show on KCUR. All figures are pictured from waist to head and...
Unidentified newsroom writers
Unidentified newsroom writers most likely at WDAF studios. In the left column of photos unidentified writers work on typewriters. A man, pictured from approximately waist to head, looks downward at...
Walt and Bernadine Bodine at a social event
Walt and Bernadine Bodine are at social event. Bodine takes a plate of food offered by another person and smiles at him. Bodine is pictured approximately waist to head. Bernadine Bodine is in the left...
Walt Bodine and Bernadine (possibly) at a formal event
Headshots of Walt Bodine (left) and possibly Bernadine Bodine (right) at a formal event. She has her arm around Walt Bodine. Both figures are looking at the camera, posing for the picture.
Walt Bodine and Executive Producer Andrea Young stand in the studio, looking at a book
Walt Bodine (left) and executive producer Andrea Young (right) stand behind a desk in the studio, looking at a book titled Trying to Get Some Dignity: Stories of Triumph over Childhood Abuse by...
Walt Bodine and Jean Glenn broadcast at a WDAF studio
Walt Bodine and Jean Glenn broadcast at a WDAF studio. The two are seated at a desk and speak in a microphone before them. A telephone and other broadcast equipment are on the table. Glenn holds a pen...
Walt Bodine in conversation at a social gathering
Walt Bodine in conversation at a social gathering with unidentified people. Bodine appears in three quarter profile, pictured from waist to head. He holds a glass in one hand and gesticulates with the...
Walt Bodine in costume as W.C. Fields and Mary Loy Brown in costume as Julie Andrews
Mary Loy Brown in costume as Julie Andrews (left) and Walt Bodine in costume as W.C. Fields (right) at an unknown event. Brown and Bodine sit side-by-side, looking off-camera and smiling. Bodine wears...
Walt Bodine with mother Mary Bodine and wife Geraldine Bodine
Walt Bodine with mother Mary Bodine (right) and wife Geraldine Bodine (left) in formal wear. The three look at the camera, smiling for the picture. All are pictured standing, from approximately waist...
Walt Bodine, Edwin Meese, George McGovern, and two unidentified guests
Walt Bodine conducts an episode of The Walt Bodine Show in the studio on KCUR. Four people sit across from Bodine behind microphones at a desk, from left: Edwin Meese, George McGovern (speaking...
Walt Bodine, Edwin Meese, George McGovern, and two unidentified guests
Walt Bodine conducts an episode of The Walt Bodine Show in the studio on KCUR. Four people sit across from Bodine behind microphones at a desk, from left: Edwin Meese (speaking), George McGovern. Two...
Walt Bodine, Edwin Meese, George McGovern, and two unidentified guests
Walt Bodine conducts an episode of The Walt Bodine Show in the studio on KCUR. Four people sit across from Bodine behind microphones at a desk. Clockwise from left: George McGovern (speaking)...