1 - 7 of 7 items

Grand Hotel and National Museum in Stockholm


A busy street between the wharf and the city in Stockholm, Sweden has people walking, horse-drawn carriages, horse-drawn streetcars, men with pushcarts and wagons waiting to pick up the shipments...

Grand Oriental Hotel in Colombo, Sri Lanka


The Grand Oriental Hotel and street intersection in Colombo, Sri Lanka [then Ceylon]. People stand in the road by the side of the hotel on the left side of the photograph. A man pulling a rickshaw, a...

Date Published
1891 to 1900

Hotel de Ville


Hôtel de Ville in Paris, France, has French Renaissance Revival architecture. The photograph is from across the Pl. de l'Hôtel de Ville from the southeast corner. The street has two horse-drawn...

Date Published
1891 to 1900

Hotel Europäischer Hof and Hotel Sendig


People walk or stand on the streets out in front of Hotel Europäischer Hof and Hotel Sendig in Dresden, Germany [German Empire]. Some windows on the first floor have awnings hanging over the sidewalks...

Queen's Hotel, Kandy, Sri Lanka


Many people stand along the street in front of a wall for the Queen's Hotel in Kandy, Sri Lanka [then Ceylon]. On the extreme left of the photograph, a man stands in the street, stops and turns to...

Date Published
1894 to 1900

Stalheim Hotel


The Stalheim Hotel sits in a mountain range overlooking the Nærøy Valley. A group of people stand outside the hotel with a couple of donkeys pulling carts.

Date Published
1901 to 1910