Tony Martin
Publicity photo of Tony Martin looking forward with a slight smile. Martin is wearing a light colored suit and patterned tie.
Tony Pastor
Tony Pastor wearing a sombrero, looking up and to the side. Pastor is standing behind a microphone.
Tony Pastor
Publicity photo of Tony Pastor sitting and looking to the side. Pastor is wearing a white tuxedo and black bowtie.
Tony Pastor And His Orchestra
Publicity photo of Tony Pastor sitting and looking to the side while smiling. Pastor is wearing a black tuxedo and bowtie.
Tony Pastor and J. Blaer
Tony Pastor and J. Blaer standing behind an Armed Forces Radio Service microphone. Pastor is looking forward and smiling with his hand around Blaer's waist. Blaer is looking at Pastor and smiling.
Tony Pastor playing saxophone
Low angle photograph of Tony Pastor looking straight ahead and playing saxophone. Pastor is wearing a black tuxedo and bowtie.
Tony Pastor playing trumpet
Tony Pastor holding up and playing a trumpet with unidentified musicians in the background. Pastor is wearing a corduroy suit jacket and checkered tie.
Tony Pastor singing
Low angle photograph of Tony Pastor singing into one microphone and holding another microphone in his hand. Pastor is wearing a suite and patterned tie.
Tony Pastor singing
Tony Pastor singing into a microphone and holding a saxophone at his waist. Pastor is closing his eyes and wearing a dark suit and tie.
Tony Pastor singing
Low angle photograph of Tony Pastor singing into a microphone while holding both hands up at his side. Pastor is wearing a light colored suit and patterned tie.
Tony Pastor with seven Hotel Sherman models
Seven Hotel Sherman models waving records like fans at Tony Pastor. Pastor is leaning back the arms of one model.
Tony Pastor, Dave Dexter, unidentified woman, Al Jarvis, and Andy Russell
Tony Pastor, an unidentified woman, and Andy Russell seated at studio table with KFWB microphones. Dave Dexter and Al Jarvis standing in back looking down at the others.
Toshiko Akioshi - Lew Tabackin
Publicity photo of Lew Tabackin in the foreground, wearing glasses and smoking out of a billiard pipe, and Toshiko Akioshi behind Lew, against a wall.
Trudy Ewan
Trudy Ewan photographed from the side sitting at a piano and resting one hand on the keys.
Trudy Ewan on Bob Hope Show
Trudy Ewan wearing a police hat and holding a stop sign. Ewan is looking forward with wide open eyes.
Trudy Ewan on Bob Hope Show
Trudy Ewan standing against a studio wall wearing a police hat and holding a baton. Ewan is holding her hands at her hips and lowering her head while smiling.
Trudy Ewan on Bob Hope Show
Trudy Ewan seated on a brick wall wearing a police hat and holding a baton. Ewans is smiling and leaning her head to the side.
Trummy Young
Trummy Young standing against a studio wall holding a trombone in both hands. Young is wearing a white tuxedo and black bowtie.
Turhan Bey and Dave Dexter on "Can You Tie That"
An unidentified man, Turhan Bey, an unidentified man, and Dave Dexter seated at tables with microphones for "Can You Tie That" KLAC radio program hosted by Jarvis in Los Angeles, California.
Turhan Bey, Dave Dexter, and Al Jarvis on "Can You Tie That"
An unidentified man, Turhan Bey, an unidentified man, Dave Dexter, and Al Jarvis seated at tables with microphones for "Can You Tie That" KLAC radio program hosted by Jarvis in Los Angeles, California...
Turk Murphy
Turk Murphy playing trombone on stage. Murray is holding a cloth mute in the bell and is wearing a patterned suit.
Two unidentified musicians with Vic Dickenson
Two unidentified musicians at the piano with Vic Dickenson in a recording studio. Dickenson is looking down at music on the piano.
Ulysses Livingston in studio
An unidentified musician playing bass and Ulysses Livingston playing guitar in a recording studio. Livingston is holding the guitar while standing and looking forward.
Unidentified crowd
High angle photograph of an unidentified crowd standing close together. Everyone is looking up and smiling.
Unidentified drummer
A publicity photo for an unidentified white male drummer. The drummer is looking up and smiling while holding both drum sticks in the air.