André Previn
Headshot of André Previn looking to the side with a neutral expression. Previn is wearing a light colored suit jacket and patterned tie.
André Previn
Headshot of André Previn looking forward with a neutral expression. Previn is wearing a dark shirt.
André Previn
Headshot of André Previn looking to the side and tilting his head. Previn is wearing a black tuxedo and white bowtie.
André Previn conducting
André Previn conducting in a studio. Previn is holding both arms out and is looking up at musicians.
André Previn directing
André Previn sitting at a piano and directing a studio orchestra. Unidentified musicians are sitting around the piano looking at Previn.
Art Lande
Headshot of Art Lande looking forward and smiling. Lande is wearing a sweater and has a bushy beard.
Artie Malvin
Angled headshot of Artie Malvin looking to the side and smiling. Malvin is wearing a pinstripe suit and polka dot tie.
Axel Stordahl
Axel Stordahl looking forward and holding his arms up to conduct. Stordahl is wearing a pinstripe suit and patterned tie.
Axel Stordahl and Frank Sinatra
Axel Stordahl and Frank Sinatra sitting on stools in a CBS radio station. Stordahl is looking down at papers he is holding. Sinatra is looking at Stordahl and grinning.
Barbra Streisand
Barbra Streisand sitting and looking down at music while singing in a recording studio. Streisand is wearing a light colored suit jacket and large necklace.
Barbra Streisand singing
Low angle photograph of Barbra Streisand looking to the side and singing while holding a microphone. Streisand is wearing a linen blouse and headband.
Bernard Herrmann
Slightly blurry publicity photo of Bernard Herrmann sitting at a piano and looking up. Herrmann is wearing glasses and a jacket. An unidentified man is standing behind Herrmann.
Bill Anson walking off a plane
Bill Anson wearing a suit and fedora walking off a plane posed for a publicity photo with four unidentified smiling women wearing swim suits and police hats escorting him off the plane.
Billy May
Angled publicity photo of Billy May playing trumpet. May is wearing a dark suit jacket.
Billy May and Bill Miller
Billy May and Bill Miller standing behind a waist-high wall and laughing. May is resting his arm on the side and looking forward, wearing a white t-shirt. Miller is looking at May, wearing a light...
Billy May conducting
Billy May conducting during a recording session. May is standing on a podium, looking forward, and extending both arms to the side. A group of film executives and musicians are sitting in the...
Bob Cooper, Stan Kenton, June Christy, Vido Musso, Henry "Boots" Mussulli, and Bob Gioga
Sitting left to right at a dining table are Bob Cooper, an unidentified man, Stan Kenton, June Christy, Vido Musso, Henry "Boots" Mussulli, and Bob Gioga. Everyone but Christy is wearing a pinstripe...
Bob Zurke
Bob Zurke sitting at a piano and looking down at music spread across the top of the piano. Zurke is holding one arm on top of the music and is wearing a dark colored shirt with suspenders.
Bobby Sherwood
Headshot of Bobby Sherwood looking to the side and smiling. Sherwood is wearing a black suit jacket and tie.
Bobby Sherwood
Publicity photo of Bobby Sherwood sitting on the back of a chair looking up and to the side. Sherwood is resting both hands on the back of the chair, wearing a black suit and patterned tie.
Bobby Sherwood
Headshot of Bobby Sherwood looking to the side and smiling. Sherwood is wearing a black suit and black tie.
Bobby Sherwood playing trumpet
Low angle photograph of Bobby Sherwood playing trumpet. Sherwood is facing to the side and holding the trumpet bell up. Sherwood is wearing a black suit.
Cal Tjader
Publicity photo of Cal Tjader playing vibraphone and looking down. Tjader is wearing a light colored button shirt.
Carmen Dragon
Publicity photo of Carmen Dragon standing and smiling with hands clasped and resting on a table. Dragon is wearing a tuxedo with white tie.
Carmen Dragon conducting
Carmen Dragon conducting a studio orchestra during a rehearsal or recording. Dragon is raising both arms and leaning back with his eyes closed.