Bobby Sherwood
Headshot of Bobby Sherwood looking to the side and smiling. Sherwood is wearing a black suit jacket and tie.
Bobby Sherwood
Publicity photo of Bobby Sherwood sitting on the back of a chair looking up and to the side. Sherwood is resting both hands on the back of the chair, wearing a black suit and patterned tie.
Bobby Sherwood
Headshot of Bobby Sherwood looking to the side and smiling. Sherwood is wearing a black suit and black tie.
Bobby Sherwood playing trumpet
Low angle photograph of Bobby Sherwood playing trumpet. Sherwood is facing to the side and holding the trumpet bell up. Sherwood is wearing a black suit.
Bobby Sherwood, Andy Russell, and Della Norell
Bobby Sherwood, Andy Russell, and Della Norell sitting at a dining table. Russell is in the center looking forward and smiling. Sherwood and Norell are looking at Russell and smiling.
Mel Tormé, Bobby Sherwood, and Dave Dexter
Mel Tormé, Bobby Sherwood, and Dave Dexter sitting at a table with microphones. Tormé and Sherwood are looking forward while Dexter is looking to the side.