Dinah Shore
Publicity photo of Dinah Shore sitting and in a 3/4 turn facing to the side while smiling. Shore is wearing a white blouse with embroidered sequins.
Dinah Shore
Publicity photo of Dinah Shore leaning against a wooden wall. Shore is looking up and to the side with a slight smile. Shore is wearing a dark dress jacket and large brooch.
Dinah Shore
Publicity photo of Dinah Shore standing against a wall and looking to the side while smiling. Shore is wearing a white dress embroidered with sequins.
Dinah Shore
Dinah Shore sitting at a desk in a recording studio writing on paper. Shore is looking up with her head tilted at an angle.
Dinah Shore and Jimmy Durante
Dinah Shore and Jimmy Durante sitting at a piano and smiling at each other. Durante is playing the piano, wearing a dark suit and hat. Shore is wearing a black sequin dress.
Dinah Shore and Paul Whiteman
Dinah Shore and Paul Whiteman hugging each other and looking forward while smiling. Shore is wearing a white dress with a floral print and Whiteman is wearing a pinstripe suit.
Dinah Shore in an airplane
Dinah Shore standing in the open cockpit of an airplane. Shore is wearing work overalls and looking down while smiling.
Dinah Shore singing
Dinah Shore singing into an NBC microphone in a hall with a flag hanging for the 11th Naval District. Shore is wearing a floral print dress.
Dinah Washington
Dinah Washington singing into a microphone on stage with unidentified musicians in the background. Washington is wearing a pinstripe suit jacket and skirt.
Dinning Sisters and Jerry Colonna
Dinning Sisters (Jean, Lou, Ginger) standing in a close line with Jerry Colonna behind a Capitol Records microphone with studio wall in the background. Colonna is holding papers in his hand. All are...
Dionne Warwick
Publicity photo of Dionne Warwick looking forward and smiling while holding her hands up to her cheeks. Warwick is wearing a white blouse.
Dizzy Gillespie
Illustration print featuring a caricature of Dizzy Gillespie drawn for the 4th Cavalcade of Jazz in Los Angeles, September 12, 1948. The drawing shows an outline of a hat, goatee, hands, and trumpet.
Dizzy Gillespie
Publicity photo of Dizzy Gillespie wearing a suit and beret while holding trumpet in both hands. Gillespie is standing in front of a backdrop with "BeBop" printed on it.
Dizzy Gillespie
Publicity photo of Dizzy Gillespie looking down and playing trumpet with his cheeks puffed out. Gillespie is wearing a checkered shirt.
Dizzy Gillespie laughing
Dizzy Gillespie sitting, looking to the side, and pointing while holding a trumpet on his lap.
Dizzy Gillespie playing piano
Dizzy Gillespie playing piano with two unidentified men standing and looking at him. Gillespie is looking down at the piano with both hands on the keys.
Dizzy Gillespie playing trumpet
Publicity photo of Dizzy Gillespie looking down and playing trumpet with cheeks puffed out. Gillespie is wearing a light suit and open collared shirt.
Django Reinhardt
Django Reinhardt looking down while playing a guitar. Reinhardt is smoking a cigarette and wearing a tweed suit jacket.
Django Reinhardt playing guitar
Django Reinhardt sitting on a stool and looking down while playing a guitar. Reinhardt is wearing a dark colored suit and white patterned tie.
Doc Rando, Joe Sullivan, Zutty Singleton, and Nappy Lamare
Doc Rando, Joe Sullivan, Zutty Singleton, and Nappy Lamare siting at a restaurant table in Los Angeles, California. Everyone is wearing a black tuxedo and smiling.
Doc Severinsen
Publicity photo of Doc Severinsen playing trumpet on stage. Severinsen is wearing a dark, shiny shirt and studded belt.
Doc Severinsen
Low angle photograph of Doc Severinsen playing trumpet on stage. Severinsen is wearing a white suit jacket with floral patterns.
Doc Severinsen
Headshot of trumpet player Doc Severinsen, leader of the NBC Tonight Show Orchestra with Johnny Carson. Severinsen is looking forward and tilting his head to the side.
Don Bestor and his orchestra
Headshot of Don Bestor looking forward and smiling, wearing rimless glasses, a tuxedo, and white bowtie.
Don McLean
Publicity photo of Don McLean sitting with a small dog and guitar on his lap. McLean is looking forward and smiling, wearing a patterned sweater.