Bobby Womack at the Kansas City Blues & Jazz Fest
Bobby Womack, wearing a cap and sunglasses, sings into a microphone, mouth wide open, during the Kansas City Blues and Jazz Festival.
Boney Fields at the Grand Emporium
Boney Fields, one the national acts to perform at the Grand Emporium, wearing a bowler hat, blows into a trumpet he holds with a handkerchief.
Boozoo Chavis at the Kansas City Blues & Jazz Fest
Boozoo Chavis, wearing a cowboy hat, looks down at the microphone as he plays the accordion during the Kansas City Blues and Jazz Festival.
Brad Andrew at the Grand Emporium
Brad Andrew of the Marcia Ball Band, one of the national acts to perform at the Grand Emporium, closes his eyes as he blows into a tenor saxophone at a microphone.
Bram Wijnands at the Hurricane
Bram Wijnands, wearing a tux, sits at a keyboard with a microphone at his face with a sequin curtain behind him at the Hurricane:
Brandon Hudspeth at the Grand Emporium
Brandon Hudspeth, closes his eyes as he plays a guitar at the Grand Emporium. The photo is taken at an angle from the ground up.
Brenda Walker at the Grand Emporium
Brenda Walker, wearing a hat, sunglasses, and a zebra print coat, blows into a flute very close to a microphone at the Grand Emporium.
Brenda Walker at the Kansas City Kansas Street Blues Festival 2002
Brenda Walker, wearing a straw hat, sunglasses, crop top, and denim vest, plays a flute into a microphone during the Kansas City, Kansas Street Blues Festival.
Brody Buster and Rico McFarland at the Grand Emporium
Brody Buster and Rico McFarland, members of the James Cotton Band, one of the national acts to perform at the Grand Emporium, sit together as they perform. Brody, wearing a baseball cap backwards...
Brody Buster at the Grand Emporium
Brody Buster smiles over his right shoulder has he holds a Lee Oskar 2nd G harmonica at the Grand Emporium. He is standing behind a microphone.
Brody Buster at the Grand Emporium
Brody Buster, wearing bracelets and an earring, closes his eyes and blows into an amplified harmonica at the Grand Emporium.
Brody Buster Band
The Brody Buster Band, a blues band, pose in front of a brick wall.
Bruce Iglauer, Tom Baker, Connie Humiston, and Brenda Haskins at the Grand Emporium
Recording executive Bruce Iglauer, with Tom Baker, Connie Humiston, and Brenda Haskins, smile at the photographer as they gather at the bar at the Grand Emporium during it's last days.
Bruce Katz and Carey Bell at Blue Heaven Studios, Salina, KS
Bruce Katz plays a grand piano with his head drawn back while Carey Bell blows into an amplified harmonica that he clutches in his hands at the 4th Annual Blues Masters at the Crossroads at Blue...
Bryan Redmond, member of the Grand Marquis, at the Grand Emporium
Bryan Redmond with a furrowed brow blows into a soprano saxophone as a band member of Grand Marquee at the Grand Emporium. He faces to the left of the photographer.
Bryan Winkert at the Grand Emporium
Bryan Winkert looks toward the cymbal in front of his right shoulder as he plays a drum set at the Grand Emporium.
Buckwheat Zydeco at Blue Heaven Studios, Salina, KS
Buckwheat Zydeco looks down at the accordion he plays at the Annual Blues Masters at the Crossroads at Blue Heaven Studios, Salina, KS.
Buddy Guy at Roadhouse Ruby's South
Buddy Guy grins to his left as he plays a polka dot guitar. One of the national acts to play at Roadhouse Ruby's South, Olathe, KS.
Bugs Henderson at Knuckleheads
Bugs Henderson, wearing a head band and tank top looks out as he plays a guitar during the Box Car Blues Festival at Knuckleheads Saloon.
Bugs Henderson at the Grand Emporium
Bugs Henderson, one of the national acts to perform at the Grand Emporium, closes his eyes and lifts his chin with his mouth slightly open as he plays an electric guitar.
Calvin "Fuzz" Jones at Carlsen Center JCCC
Calvin "Fuzz" Jones, part of the Muddy Waters Tribute Band, wearing a fishing hat, sings into a microphone as he plays a guitar at Carlsen Center in Johnson County Community College.
Carey Bell at Blue Heaven Studios, Salina, KS
Carey Bell blows into an amplified harmonica he clutches with fingers spread on his left hand while looking down at the 6th Annual Blues Masters at the Crossroads at Blue Heaven Studios, Salina, KS.
Carey Bell at Blue Heaven Studios, Salina, KS
Carey Bell looks sad as he blows into an amplified harmonica he is clutching at the 4th Annual Blues Masters at the Crossroads at Blue Heaven Studios, Salina, KS.
Carey Bell at the Grand Emporium
Carey Bell, one of the national acts to perform at the Grand Emporium, looks up as he blows into an amplified harmonica.
Carl Fusaro at Mutual Musicians Foundation
Carl Fusaro plays an upright bass with a serious look on his face during the Living Blues weekend at the Mutual Musicians Foundation. He wears a music-themed tie.