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Bobby Watson at the Kansas City Kansas Street Blues Festival 2003
Bobby Watson blows into an alto saxophone that has a microphone in front of it during the Kansas City, Kansas Street Blues Festival.
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Lazy Lester at the Kansas City Kansas Street Blues Festival 2003
Lazy Lester, wearing a straw hat, closes his eyes as he blows into an amplified harmonica during the Kansas City, Kansas Street Blues Festival. He stands in front of the festival banner and hugs the...
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Marva Whitney at the Kansas City Kansas Street Blues Festival 2003
Marva Whitney, in front of the KCK Street Festival banner, looks to her right as she sings into a microphone during the Kansas City, Kansas Street Blues Festival.
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Tutti Gadson at the Kansas City Kansas Street Blues Festival 2003
Tutti Gadson, wearing a sun hat, looks over his left shoulder as he plays guitar on stage during the Kansas City, Kansas Street Blues Festival.
Date Published