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Cobalt Project at the Grand Emporium
The blues band, Cobalt Project Band, which includes: Branden Hudspeth, Sue Stubbs, Jan Faircloth, Paul Greenlease. Standing inside the Grand Emporium. Brandon Hudspeth looking down. Jan Faircloth...
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Cobalt Project at the Grand Emporium
The blues band, Cobalt Project, including Brandon Hudspeth, closing his eyes and playing the guitar, Jan Faircloth, playing the drums, Sue Stubbs, closing her eyes and singing into a microphone, and...
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Cobalt Project take a break
Cobalt Project sits on a staircase while taking a break from performing. Bottom to top: Brandon Hudspeth, Paul Greenlease, Sue Stubbs, and Jan Faircloth.
Date Published
Levee Town at the Grand Emporium
The Levee Town Band stand together for a photo at the Grand Emporium. Jimmie Meade holds a harmonica. Brandon Hudspeth smiles and holds an electric guitar. Jan Faircloth smiles right at the...
Date Published