Nurse with toddler
Group of four people (two white women, two white men, Robert M. Schauffler behind one in a wheelchair with a cane) watching an unidentified white...
Group of four people (two white women, two white men, Robert M. Schauffler behind one in a wheelchair with a cane) watching an unidentified white...
Robert M. Schauffler (behind wheelchair) next to two unidentified white women and an unidentified white man in a wheelchair with two canes watching an...
A white male doctor and a white female nurse examining a young white boy in a wheelchair while a white female Red Cross volunteer stands nearby...
Nurse Barbara Weaver, center, with a white female student nurse from Research hospital, left, preparing a girl patient in a wheelchair to be handed...
Children (African American and white boys and girls) and female nurses (African American and white) on a Kansas City Transit Bus on the way to see the...
Owl from Winnie the Pooh visiting young patients at Children's Mercy Hospital. Six boys (five African American, one white) standing and sitting in...
Children's Mercy Hospital parade float featuring a young white girl sitting in a wheelchair holding a balloon while a white female teenaged nurse in...
Young white girl patient seated in a wheelchair with casts on her legs in front of a table in the Children's Mercy Hospital playground. Three white...
Patients (all white) and female nurses on the fourth floor roof of Children's Mercy Hospital. Information on the back of the photo explains that the...
Mrs. Kearney teaching sentence diagramming in the hospital's school room to a group of children (white girls and boy) gathered around her as she...
Patients (all white boys and girls) in a school classroom at Children's Mercy Hospital. They are all looking down at their desks and writing. Students...
Patients (all white boys and girls) in a school classroom at Children's Mercy Hospital. They are all looking down at their desks and writing. The...
Patients (white girls and boys) outside on the hospital playground in wheelchairs and carts. Unidentified white woman is at the far left with them...
Group of people (African American women and men and white men and a white woman) lined up on a sidewalk outside of Mercy Hospital, including several...
View of a corridor in the old hospital building with a group of white female nurses and other staff (white women and men) at the far end and two...
Rabbit from Winnie the Pooh visiting young patients (African American and white) at Children's Mercy Hospital. Rabbit is holding a Piglet doll and is...
Radio host Ted Mack speaking to people at Children's Mercy Hospital. A group of patients, nurses, and other adults (African American and white) are...
Reg Carolan of the Kansas City Chiefs visiting with a young white girl in a wheelchair and leg braces. Both are laughing and the girl has something in...
Dr. Ruth Yohe checking the ID bracelet of a white boy patient arriving through the doors of the new Children's Mercy Hospital building on moving day...
Santa Claus (white) handing out presents to children (white and African American) at Children's Mercy Hospital with the help of Charles Wesley Pirtle...
Santa and Mrs. Claus (both white) kneeling on either side of wheelchair occupied by a white boy holding a Christmas stocking and looking over at Santa...
Santa Claus (white man) passing out either small gifts or candy to young patients with nurses and other adults in attendance during a Christmas party...
Santa Claus (white) entertaining children (African American and white) at Jerry Smith's "Christmas Village USA." Santa is facing the children with his...
Santa Claus (white) handing a toy horse to a young white boy patient. The boy is sitting in a wheelchair. Santa is kneeling while handing over the...
Santa Claus (white) holding Christmas stockings and waving while standing with a group of children at the Mayor's Christmas Tree Party. The children...