1 - 8 of 8 items

Grand Hotel and National Museum in Stockholm


A busy street between the wharf and the city in Stockholm, Sweden has people walking, horse-drawn carriages, horse-drawn streetcars, men with pushcarts and wagons waiting to pick up the shipments...

horse-drawn carriage in front of a large building


A woman is seated in the back seat of a horse-drawn carriage in front of unknown building with very large columns. A driver sits in the front seat holding the reins to the horse and has his legs...

Date Published
1895 to 1900

Lubyanka Square


A horse-drawn streetcar passes in front of, possibly, the Konstantino-Eleninskaya Tower as people enjoy the Lubyanka Square. To the right of the tower is the Vladimir Gate on the Kremlin grounds in...

Date Published
1895 to 1900

Royal Opera in Stockholm


A view of the Royal Swedish Opera in Stockholm, Sweden, shows a terrace on the second story roof of the building; the arched opening on the ground floor, and windows with awnings at the street level...