1 - 5 of 5 items

Ella Loose looks out over the Swiss Alps


In a photograph likely taken by Jacob Loose, Ella Loose stands in profile on boulder looking out to the Alps mountains around a river valley far below. A farm sits by the river.

Date Published
1891 to 1900

Interior of the Mosque of Omar the Rock


The interior of the Dome of the Rock, which is located at the center of the Haram al-Sharif in Jerusalem, has a hallway with arched doorways overlooking the rock. Elaborate filigreed metal grates...

Date Published
1891 to 1900

Reindeer on Reindeer Mountain


Three reindeer stand on a rocky protrusion of boulders called, Reindeer Mountain," in their enclosure at the zoo portion of Skansen in Stockholm, Sweden. A high fence of wood rails is visible in the...

Road over the Seljestad gorge


the road over the Seljestad gorge near Hardanger, Norway, is a dirt road with large boulders set on their sides to line either side of the road. Water fills the gorge. Steep mountains rise all around...

Tea estate in Sri Lanka


Panorama of a tea estate in Sri Lanka [then Ceylon], shows a white man wearing a pith helmet standing outside a large, two-story house with surrounding gardens while the hills completely surrounding...

Date Published
1894 to 1900