Mirror Room at the palace of Versailles
The Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles in Versailles, France, has a parquet floor, marble archways and columns around floor-to-ceiling mirrors on one side of the hall and windows on the other...
Monk inside gateway entrance to Temple of the Tooth
Entrance to the Buddhist temple, Temple of the Tooth in Kandy, Sri Lanka [then Ceylon]. A monk stands under the arched gateway into the temple with one hand on the left wall of the gateway. The...
Monument of Lysicrates
The Choragic Monument of Lysicrates in Athens, Greece, sits in a courtyard with several buildings surrounding it.
Monument to Alexander II
Colonnade of monument to Alexander II, as seen from Ivanovskaya Square. inside Kremlin. Moscow. A statue of Alexander II can be seen in the center of one of the open towers.
Monument to Archduke Rudolf of Hapsburg
Outdoor memorial monument, possibly by Ernst Herter, in Achilleion, Corfu, Greece, for Rudolf, Archduke of Austria and Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary. A reclining angel on a sheet knotted below his...
Moses prays for water
A photograph of the painting, "Moses Striking the Rock," by B.E. Murillo, that hung in the Hospital de la Caridad, Seville, Spain. Moses praying for water for his people and water pouring forth from...
Mosque of Dome of the Rock
The mosque in Jerusalem called Qubbat al-Ṣakhrah contains the Dome of the Rock. The mosque is in a compound of many smaller buildings, all with dome roofs, in a desert landscape.
Mount Rushmore under construction
The busts of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln on Mount Rushmore are under construction with sculptors tethered to ropes and their support systems visible along the top of the...
Mules pull a vehicle through a forest on a dirt road
Two mules hitched to a vehicle make their way down a lane through the forest. Another horse-drawn carriage with a roof is in the clearing on the left side of the photograph.
Muslim men praying on a ship
Muslim men face the same direction as they are praying on the deck of a ferry as it moves in the water. The name written on life ring across the top in Cyrillic is Princess Alexander. The bottom is...
Muslim men praying on a ship
Muslim men face the same direction as they are praying on the deck of a ferry as it moves in the water. The name written on life ring across the top in Cyrillic is Princess Alexander. The bottom is...
Nab Ferry
Three head of English Longhorn cattle stand in the water at the tree-lined shore of Windermere Lake near the Ferry Nab landing. Looking across the lake, the ferry house stands at the foot of a...
Napoleon's bedroom in the Fontainebleau Palace
Bedroom of Napoleon I in the Palace of Fontainebleau in Fontainebleau, France. A parquet floor leads to a sculpted and gilded bed with a floor to ceiling canopy flanked on each corner by columns with...
Night view of the volcano of Kilauea
A night view of an active volcano in Kilauea, Hilo, Hawaii. Stamped in white ink on the bottom, right-hand corner of the photograph, "Night view volcano of Kilauea, copyright 1912, by Chock Chong...
Norman arches in the Church of St. Bartholomew
The Norman arches in Priory Church of St Bartholomew the Great, in London, England. The columns supporting the arches line a hall that runs behind the nave. There are lines of chairs on the left side...
North front of the Rosslyn Chapel
The north front of the Rosslyn Chapel in Roslin, Scotland, of the Gothic architecture style of the church. Printed in white ink on the bottom center of the photograph, "North Front, Rosslyn Chapel...
Northeast corner of Château de Saint-Germain
Northeast façade of the French Gothic style architecture of the Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France. A fence surrounds a patio outside of the palace with steps leading up...
Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral
The southwest corner of the French Gothic style architecture of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, France, from across the Seine river. The statue of Charlemagne and His Guards by Louis and Charles Rochet...
Odda sits by the Hardanger fjord
The village of Odda sits in a valley in a mountain range that borders the Hardanger fjord in Norway. A ship is anchored in the fjord. Farmland is in the foreground of the photograph. Printed in white...
Old England Hotel at Bowness-on-Windermere, England
Outdoor view of the Old England Hotel from Lake Windermere in Bowness-on-Windermere, England. Rowing boats line the two docks that extend out from the shore. Small buildings that look like houses...
Opera house
The plaza in front of Palais Garnier [Opéra Garnier; Opéra de Paris], the opera house in Paris, France , is full of people walking in all directions, and horse-drawn carriages, and even a double...
Outdoor café of Berns Salon
A few people eat at tables on the outdoor café of Berns Salon in Stockholm, Sweden. Others walk on the sidewalk and into a park of trees on the outside of the gazebo. The perspective is from the left...
Outrigger canoes beached on the shore
Outrigger canoes are beached along the shore line at an unidentified location. Boathouses line the shore between the outriggers and a two story building with awnings over the windows. In the skyline...
Outside of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Outside of the face of a building of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre shows a stone building whose entrance is in the center between two wings of the church. A stone courtyard fills in the area in the...
Outside of the Palace of Versailles
Main French Baroque façade of the Palace of Versailles in Versailles, France, shows a panorama of the entire front of the palace with a horse and carriage in front and a crowd of people at the gate...