1 - 11 of 11 items

Buffet and lounge car


People eating and drinking in a Vista-Dome buffet and lounge car of the Kansas City/American Royal Zephyrs. A mix a white men and women. A woman is entering the car from a doorway to the Vista-Dome...

Business in the drawing room


Three white men seated at a table conducting business in the drawing room on the Kansas City Zephyr. A fourth white man in a suit is standing behind the group, observing. There's a metal bladed fan...

Couple in a sleeping berth


White man and women in a double bedroom on the Kansas City/American Royal Zephyrs. The woman is in bed sitting up and reading a book. The man is wearing a suit while shaving in front of a mirror in...

Dining car service under way


Dinner being served in the Kansas City Zephyr's dining car. All diners are white men and women. An African American waiter in an all white uniform is serving a dish to a seated woman. All tables have...

Men seated in an observation car


Group of seven white men seated in an observation car on train #55 of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway Company. Most are smoking and five are wearing hats. An African American railway worker...

Passengers in a chair car


Passengers (white men, women, and children) seated in a chair car of the 4400 Series of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway Company. A white male rail worker is standing at the end of the car...

Passengers in a coach car


White men and women passengers seated in a coach car on a Kansas City / American Royal Zephyr at night. The car is lighted and at the front a man hands a woman a cigarette across the aisle.

Passengers on an observation card deck


A group of seven white men and women seat on an outside deck of an observation car of the 4400 Series of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway Company. One woman is standing and waving at the...

Woman in a sleeping berth


Unidentified white woman sleeping in an American Royal Zephyr roomette. The light in her berth is on and it's dark outside the window.