Unidentified man seated at a well appointed table
Unidentified older white man in suit and tie seated at a well appointed table.
Unidentified man stands behind podium at microphone with L. Perry Cookingham and Mayor Berkley
An unidentified white man stands behind podium at microphone with L. Perry Cookingham and Mayor Berkley at the Pioneer Park Dedication.
Unidentified man stands next to woman in front of doorway
Unidentified man in workman's clothes stands next to woman in dress in front of doorway.
Unidentified man stands with two unidentified women with wine glasses
Unidentified man in uniform stands with two unidentified women with wine glasses. Little table with three bottles sits in front of them.
Unidentified man wearing uniform holding flash bulb box
Unidentified man wearing uniform holding flash bulb box sitting on bench behind table in Wardroom of U.S.S. Carina.
Unidentified man with acoustic guitar playing with violin player
Unidentified man with acoustic guitar playing with violin player and other unidentified people all in Western wear standing in front of a bar.
Unidentified man with bicycle
Unidentified man in suit and hand stands in front of painted backdrop with bicycle.
Unidentified people
Corner booth at unknown restaurant full of formally dressed three unidentified women and two men.
Unidentified persons in Western wear standing out in field
Unidentified persons in Western wear standing out in field.
Unidentified standing man in Western wear
Unidentified standing man in Western wear.
Unidentified woman holding hands with L. Perry Cookingham
Unidentified woman in gown holding hands with L. Perry Cookingham who wears a tuxedo.
Unidentified woman in black dress
Unidentified white woman in black dress.
Unidentified woman seated next to an unidentified man while two unidentified men stand behind him
Unidentified white woman seated next to an unidentified white man while two other unidentified white men stand behind him.
Unidentified woman sitting in chair in front of fireplace
Unidentified woman in dark dress sitting in chair in front of fireplace in living room.
Unidentified woman stands next to another seated woman
Unidentified woman in formal dress stands next to another unidentified seated woman, both are in front of painted backdrop.
Unidentified woman with short hair wearing dress standing in front of house.
Unidentified woman with short hair wearing dress standing in front of house.
Unidentified young girl holding Doll, with unidentified woman, and Harriette W. Cookingham
Unidentified young girl in large coat holding Doll, with unidentified woman and Harriette W. Cookingham both in floral print dresses.
Union Station abandoned tracks and N. Waiting Room soon to be part of Pershing Sq. Development
West side of Union Station showing Amtrak trains, Western Auto building in background.
Unique early archicture in building on E. side of Main St. 1200 Block
Various stone buildings on the east side of the 1200 block of Main St.
Us at Miami
L Perry in suit and tie stands next to Harriette who wears fascinator hat, beaded necklace, and patterned blouse. Both stand in an atrium.
US delegation in Luneburg
Harriette W. Cookingham, L. Perry Cookingham, and U.S. Delegates stand in the Große Ratsstube of the Rathaus in Luneburg, Germany
Victoria Sherry
Victoria Sherry in black suit and pearl necklace seated at unknown location.
Victoria Sherry in New Mom
Victoria Sherry in blue and pink hoopskirt with folding fan.
Victoria Sherry Starlight Opening Night
L. Perry Cookingham in suit and tie stands close to Starlight Actress Victoria Sherry.
Victory gardeners
Large field being worked on by a number of volunteers to turn it into a vegetable garden.