Various piles of debris and trash in Brush Creek Park after concert.
Trash in Brush Creek
Pile of beer cans, bottles and various other items in Brush Creek Park after concert.
Trash in Brush Creek Park after Ps+R. Concert
Pile of trash sitting along side a metal barrel in Brush Creek Park after concert.
Trinity River Flats - Ft. Worth TX. Skyline
Skyline view of Fort Worth looking east from the Trinity River flats.
Truman Gaige
Unidentified woman in white blouse and Truman Gaige in suit and tie sit at table having a meal at unknown event.
Two story house with two women on front porch
Two story house with two women on front porch at 304 E. 8th Street, Flint, Michigan.
Two unidentified women and a dog stand in front of house
Two unidentified women in dresses and a dog stand in front of house.
Two unidentified women leaning against stone pillar
Two unidentified women leaning against stone pillar.
Two women and two men stand in front of steps of porch
Two women and two men stand in front of steps of porch, identified as John, Lenore, Bertha, and Ted.
Two women sit in chairs outside airport managers office
Two women (Gladys Walker and Cleo France) sit in chairs outside airport managers office.
Tyrone Power explaining camera chart to LPC
L. Perry Cookingham examining David White Realist Stereo Camera that Tyrone Power is holding up in front of him.
U.S. Delegation in Luneburg City Hall
Harriette W. Cookingham, L. Perry Cookingham, U.S. Delegates, Luneburg, Germany
Unidentified boy
Unidentified boy in suit and bow tie wearing flat cap that shades his face.
Unidentified couple
Unidentified couple in formal wear seated on a couch at the Cookingham's house.
Unidentified group of farmers stand next to a barn
Unidentified group of farmers (two men and a woman) stand next to a barn with pitchforks and a dog.
Unidentified group standing on the front stoop of a house
Unidentified group (three women, three men, and a dog) standing on the front stoop of a house.
Unidentified house in country on dirt road
Unidentified house in country on dirt road.
Unidentified man holding the shoulders of toddler holding kitten
Unidentified man in workman's clothes holding the shoulders of toddler holding kitten in front of doorway.
Unidentified man in long johns
Unidentified man in long johns walking with men laying in cots in the foreground and a man playing a Harmonium.
Unidentified man in uniform stand in doorway of unknown building.
Unidentified man in uniform stand in doorway of unknown building.
Unidentified man in uniform stands with two unidentified women sitting on ladder
Unidentified man in uniform stands with two unidentified women sitting on ladder.
Unidentified man in Western wear smoking a cigarette
Unidentified man in Western wear smoking a cigarette in field.
Unidentified man leaning against sign
Unidentified man in knee socks and long sleeve shirt leaning against "this is It" sign in woods.