Holiday event attendees
Attendees (one African American man, the others white women and men) seated and eating during a holiday event in Nurse Hall. Dr. Vernon James (far...
Attendees (one African American man, the others white women and men) seated and eating during a holiday event in Nurse Hall. Dr. Vernon James (far...
Attendees (white women and men) of the Distinguished Service Awards dinner held at the Plaza III Restaurant celebrating Twenty Five Years of Volunteer...
Attendees (white women and men) of the Distinguished Service Awards dinner held at the Plaza III Restaurant celebrating Twenty Five Years of Volunteer...
Children's Mercy Hospital, left to right: Dr. Daniel Darrow; Mr. John Mosher; Mr. Ed McDaniel holding an award certificate and check; Mrs. Margaret...
Howard Benjamin and representatives (all white, one woman and two men) of the Kansas City J.C. standing with Dr. Ned Smull at Children's Mercy...
Howard Benjamin, wearing a cowboy hat, and representatives of the Kansas City J.C. (all white men) standing with Dr. Ned Smull at Children's Mercy...
Ilus Davis, mayor of Kansas City, Missouri, standing with unidentified doctors and businessmen (all white men). An older white woman is standing on...
Ruth Belter (Director of Volunteers) and Mary Bowen (volunteer) with Dr. Green examining equipment in the hospital's Toxicology Lab.
Three columns of printed negative strips. Image descriptions from top to bottom, left to right. Image 1: Male medical worker at a table inside a...
Three columns of printed negative strips. Image descriptions from top to bottom, left to right. Image 1: African Pilot docking at the Port of Monrovia...
Irma Stillwell (center) standing next to an oxygen tank assisting an unidentified white male doctor working on a baby in an incubator. An unidentified...
Jack Steadman (right), general manager of the Kansas City Chiefs presenting an autographed football to an African American boy patient. Herman...
Jeanette Rafinder, Red Cross Volunteer-Patient Representative, with a clipboard making her rounds as she talks with a white patient's mother on the...
Jerry Smith (far right) and Dr. Ned Smull (2nd from right) with three other unidentified white men at Jerry Smith's antique toy display. Smull is...
Jill Rogers (left), Dr. David Harris (center), and Michael Begleiter (right) seated around a table having a discussion. All are with the hospital's...
Left to right are June Rouse, Michael Begleiter (standing), Dr. David Harris, and Jill Rogers seated around a table for a photo. An unlabeled diagram...
John Stockwell (center) receiving a check from Basil O'Conner (right) from the National Foundation for Special Treatment. Dr. Holder is standing on...
Mr. John Stockwell standing behind a podium speaking at the annual service awards ceremony. Unidentified white woman sitting in front of the podium...
An unidentified white man is speaking at a podium on stage during the Katharine B. Richardson Elementary School dedication; Dr. Ned Smull, second from...
Ken Curtis dressed as Festus from the TV show Gunsmoke speaking with D. Ned Smull. Smull is in a lab coat and has both hands in its pockets.
Ken Curtis talking with Dr. Ned Smull from Children's Mercy Hospital. Curtis is dressed as Festus from the TV show Gunsmoke. A small white boy is...
Lamb receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation therapy in the animal lab at Children's Mercy Hospital. Left to right, Irma Stillwell, RN; Jan...
Left to right are Katharine B. Richardson, Anna Allen, and Dr. C.B. Francisco gathered together with young patients and former patients (white girls...
Six white women and men standing in a row behind a podium during a Junior Volunteer recognition program. Dr. Ned Smull is the second from the left and...
Dr. Basharat Jazbi examining a young white patient with his stethoscope. The child is lying down on the table with an unidentified white woman (likely...