Young woman in large lace scarf
Portrait of a young woman, large lace scarf tied around neck, hair waved with ringlets around forehead.
Portrait of a young woman, large lace scarf tied around neck, hair waved with ringlets around forehead.
Oval inset visiting card photograph of young woman in light dress with white ruffled collar with the name, monogram, and address of the photographer...
Young woman in light dress with white ruffled collar; hair pulled loosely back into braid.
Visiting card portrait of a young woman wearing a bibbed garment with the photographer's name printed on back.
Portrait of a young woman, slightly profiled, wearing a bibbed garment with brooch at neckline.
Visiting card portrait of young woman wearing a chain and with cross with the photographer's name printed on back.
Portrait of young woman, slightly profiled, wearing a chain and with cross. Long, curly, tousled hair.
Vignette visiting card portrait of a young woman seated slightly profile wearing dark embroidered top with lace collar, hair up with ringlets, and...
Slightly profiled portrait of a young woman with a plumed hat and hair pulled back in ringlets, wearing pendant earrings.
Visiting card portrait of a young woman with high lace collar and string of beads with a printed drawing of a butterfly on the back.
Portrait of a young woman, slightly profiled with high lace collar, string of beads and unidentified hair adornment.
Visiting card portrait of a young woman in a long beaded necklace with the name of the photographer printed on back.
Portrait of a young woman, slightly profiled, long beaded necklace, with matching brooch and earrings, Hair in ringlets.
Young woman with ornate collar, hair parted in center and pulled back; earrings.
Oval inset visiting card of a young woman with ornate collar with the name and address of the photographer on back.