Balding man with mustache wearing a coat with vest and bow tie
Visiting card portrait of a balding man with mustache with printed logo for the photo studio on back.
Visiting card portrait of a balding man with mustache with printed logo for the photo studio on back.
Portrait of a balding man with mustache wearing a coat with vest and bow tie.
Portrait of a bearded man with mustache wearing a coat with vest, bow tie & watch-chain.
Couple seated in a fake row boat with lake backdrop. Woman is wearing a hat and man has a mustache and is holding a hat.
John A. Sutter with handlebar mustache seated in a chair. Wearing a coat with matching vest and a bow tie.
Card photograph of an elderly man with mustache wearing a coat with vest, bow tie and hat.
Family of five, the male in suit and tie stands with his hand on the woman's shoulder while she is seated with baby on her lap with two girls standing...
Group of five men posed outside in front of a wooden fence, three of them are standing behind the two men seated on wooden chairs. All but the man...
Group of nine posed in front of a woodland field painted backdrop, five of whom are sitting in wooden chairs four men in suit jackets and a woman in a...
A studio portrait of unidentified mustachioed African American man standing with his arms crossed.
Visiting card vignette portrait of a man slightly profile in high-buttoned coat and bow tie with a illustration and decorative pinstripes surrounded...
Vignette portrait of a man slightly profile in high-buttoned coat and bow tie.
Vignette visiting card portrait of a man quarter profile in coat, vest, and bow tie.
Vignette visiting card photograph of a man wearing dark coat and buttoned vest with the name and address of the photographer printed on back.
Man in dark coat with buttoned vest, dark cravat; moustache, hair parted at side.
Oval inset visiting card photograph of a man in dark coat, striped vest, and bow tie with the name and address of the studio printed on back.
Man in dark coat, striped vest, and bow tie; thick mustache and goatee.
Vignette visiting card portrait of a mustachioed man in dark suit and cravat with the name and addresses of the photo studio printed on back.
Mustachioed man in dark suit and cravat with diamond motif; hair parted on side.
Card photograph of a man in dark suit with light shirt, neck tie, and mustache with the name and address of the photographer printed under decorative...
Oval inset quarter-profile visiting card photograph of a man in dark suit, vest, coat buttoned low, and neck cravat.
Man in dark suit, vest, coat buttoned low, and neck cravat; hair parted on side and moustache.
Visiting card portrait of a man slightly profile in formal, low-buttoned coat, vest, and necktie with printed ad for the photo studio on back.
Man slightly profile in formal, low-buttoned coat, vest, and necktie.
Vignette bust only card photograph of a man in high-buttoned coat; moustache, hair parted on left and combed over.