Scarlet Runner
Scarlet Runner, a blues-rock band comprised of three white men, stand around a light pole in front of a brick wall and look seriously at the camera...
Scarlet Runner, a blues-rock band comprised of three white men, stand around a light pole in front of a brick wall and look seriously at the camera...
The Schaefdogs, a rock and rockabilly band comprised of five white men, stand in front of a liquor store wearing neckties except for one. One band...
SCHFViLKUS, a jazz band comprised of five white men, lean against a brick wall while one band member crouches down. They are all in dark clothing...
Scratch, a trio of white men wearing dark t-shirts, stand together and look seriously at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "ryan...
Screaming Trees, an alternative rock / psychedelic rock band comprised of one white woman and three white men, in a split photograph. In the...
Scruffy the Cat, a rock band comprised of five white men, sit and stand in a group with each wearing a different type of casual jacket. Printed in the...
Season to Risk, a hard-core rock band from Kansas City, Missouri comprised of four white men, stand together talking and smiling in front of a...
Season to Risk, a hard-core rock band from Kansas City, Missouri comprised of four white men who stand between a full-size van and a brick wall and...
The Self-Righteous Brothers, a cover band from Lincoln, Nebraska comprised of seven white men, all gathered around a personalized kick drum and making...
Set 'Em Up Joe, a swing band that includes these two white men sitting in a booth, smoking cigars, drinking cocktails, and playing cards as they both...
The Shadows, a blues-rock band comprised of four white men, stand together in front of a printed backdrop and give small smiles to the camera. Two...
Shakerman, a funk and rock band comprised of two African American men and three white men, sit in a group all facing in different directions. Printed...
Shaking Tree, a pop rock band comprised of four white men, stand by a wall and look at the band member farthest to the right. Printed in the margin...
Shanti Groove, a folk band comprised of five white men, stand outside holding their instruments of a banjo, mandolin, stand-up bass, drums, and an...
Shayar & Krooshal Force, a reggae band comprised of one white man and three Jamaican men sitting on a log with woods behind them. Printed across the...
Shithook, a rock band comprised of four white men, stand together holding their musical instruments. The saxophone player is pouring a drink from a...
The Shy Strangers, an alternative rock band comprised of three white men, crouch down among tall weeds. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
Siegel-Schwall, a blues band comprised of two African American men and two white men, who stand in a group holding their instruments and smiling at...
Blues duo Silent Partners stand together wearing sport jackets and smiling at the camera. The man on the left points to the neck of the double bass...
Silkworm, an indie rock band comprised of four white men, stand together wearing business suits. The lighting casts shadows of themselves on the wall...
Silvatones, an Oklahoma funk, blues, and soul band comprised of three white men, crouch beside a wooden fence of horizontal planks. The band member on...
Sin City Disciples, a punk, alternative rock band comprised of four white men, put their heads close together in a close-up, head-shot photograph. The...
Sixty Six, a country rock band comprised of three white men and one Hispanic American man, who stand in front of a sky backdrop and look at the camera...
The Skatalites, a ska band of six Jamaican men and one white man, performing on stage with a crowded audience at the base of the stage. Printed in the...
The Skatalites, a ska band comprised of seven Jamaican men, one Jamaican woman, and one white man, sit and stand in a group. Devon Jarnes sits and...