Aerial view of the Kansas River
Aerial view of an island in the Kansas River. The island is covered with trees. Behind the island is a railroad bridge crossing the river. There are...
Aerial view of an island in the Kansas River. The island is covered with trees. Behind the island is a railroad bridge crossing the river. There are...
Aerial view of an island in the Kansas River. The island is covered with trees. Behind the island is a railroad bridge crossing the river. There are...
Betty Crow standing in front of a large tree in Virgin Islands Nation Park. The tree is in front of a stone wall originally part of a Dutch sugar mill...
Betty Crow standing in front of tower ruins in Virgin Islands National Park. She is standing in front of a stone tower that was previously a windmill...
A boat sailing near the edge of an island in the Caribbean. The boat has a long white mast with rigging hanging from all sides. Hills from another...
Crosthwaite Church in Keswick, England, sits in the center of the photograph among pasture land with sheep grazing on it in the foreground and a far...
Panorama of the village Grasmere in the Lake District of England. From the perspective of a hill overlooking Lake Grasmere, the village of Grasmere...
Oval photo of homes on unknown island with both thatched huts and modern buildings. A flag pole is hoisted on the top of a knob. Tents are in lines on...
Hills and harbor view of Clovelly, England. The village of Clovelly climbs up the forested hills behind the harbor. At the base of the hills lie the...
Overhead view of a beach in the Caribbean. The secluded beach is surrounded by trees and vegetation. The beach is part of a small harbor surrounded by...
Overhead view of a beach in the Caribbean. People are walking along a secluded beach surrounded by trees and vegetation. The beach is part of a small...
Overhead view of a harbor in the Caribbean. There are boats scattered throughout the water in the harbor. A large white building is in the center of...
Overhead view of a harbor in the Virgin Islands. The island arcs across the entire photo with a continuous beach against the water.
Overhead view of a harbor in the Caribbean. There is a long deck extending from the beach which curves around in a crescent shape. Trees and bushes...
Overhead view of a harbor in the Caribbean. There is a long deck extending from the beach which curves around in a crescent shape. Trees and bushes...
Overhead view of a harbor in the Caribbean. There are boats scattered throughout the water in the harbor. A large white building is in the center of...
Overhead view of boats in a harbor in the Virgin Islands. Several boats are on the water with their sails down. The island arcs across the entire...
Overhead view of islands within Virgin Islands National Park. Several islands are covered with trees and are spread across the water.
Overhead view of the main island of Virgin Islands National Park. The island is covered with vegetation that stretches down into a valley. Other...
Overhead view of the main island of Virgin Islands National Park. The island is covered with vegetation. Houses are near the base of the island by the...
A pelican flying above a harbor in the Virgin Islands. Clouds are passing over several islands in the distance.
Photograph of a sign displaying names and locations of islands within Virgin Islands National Park. The sign shows a drawing of the view from that...
Pontikonisi Islet is in the background with a few houses on it, and Vlacherna Monastery is in the foreground as seen from the hilltops of Kanoni...
Photograph of a sign displaying information on historical activities on the Virgin Islands. The sign describes a windmill used for processing sugar...
Photograph of a sign displaying island names and locations on a map and description of view of the Virgin Islands. The sign describes the view across...