Woman standing in profile touching pot of flowers
Card photograph for a woman standing in profile touching pot of flowers with ads for the photographer and an artist on back.
Card photograph for a woman standing in profile touching pot of flowers with ads for the photographer and an artist on back.
Woman standing in profile touching pot of flowers wearing a formal tailored suit with high laced neck. Skirt draped in back.
Visiting card photograph of a woman standing, leaning on couch with the name and address of the photo studio printed on back.
Woman standing, leaning on couch; fitted dress with small bustle, decorative hat; large white collar.
Visiting card of a young woman in feathered bonnet with ad for photographer on back.
Portrait of a woman wearing a feathered bonnet, jacket, and high lace collar, with a string of pearls.
Woman with long dress and dress gloves, topped with cape trimmed in fur and wearing a cap of velvet.
Unidentified Women's Auxiliary holding a sale of home canned goods with ten white women standing under a striped canopy, three white women sitting in...
Card photograph of a young boy dressed in a coat with a bow tie with script font Last name of photographer with drawing of artist palette on the...
Young boy, dressed in a coat with a bow tie and holding a hat in his right hand.
Scalloped edged card photograph of a Young boy in dress coat and gloves; right hand propped on wicker chair and left hand holding bible on table with...
Young boy in dress coat and gloves; right hand propped on wicker chair and left hand holding bible on table; decorative painted window backdrop. The...
Card photograph of a Young boy in dress coat wearing boutonniere; right hand holding bible propped on table; decorative backdrop. The name and address...
Tintype portrait of a young boy seated next to a dog within a decorative printed boarder and the name of the studio printed on back.
Young boy wearing a coat and cap seated on carved stone blocks next to a small breed dog with painted backdrop.
Young boy sitting on a box before a seaside backdrop. Wearing sailor influenced shirt and knickers.
Photographic postcard of a young boy sitting on a box before a seaside backdrop with back left blank.
Card photograph of a young boy sitting on a stone wall with the name of the photo studio and address printed along bottom and within a decorative...
Young boy sitting on a stone wall, right arm resting on a pedestal, holding a hat in his right hand.
Photographic postcard of a young boy standing behind chair on which dog is sitting with a date handwritten on back.
Young boy standing behind chair on which dog is sitting, Wearing a coat, cravat and holding a hat in his right hand. Decorative backdrop.
Young boy standing, wearing shirt and knickers, right hand resting on handlebars of a tricycle and left hand holding a cap in front of a decorative...
Unidentified white boy in corduroy overalls sitting on a stool wearing a cowboy hat and holding a toy rifle on his lap while posing for the camera...
Card photograph of a young child in pleated dress with bow. The name, monogram, and city of the photographer printed along bottom and the...
Young child standing with arm on prop; pleated dress with bow; hat held in left hand, cane held in right.