Young boy seated next to dog
Young boy wearing a coat and cap seated on carved stone blocks next to a small breed dog with painted backdrop.
Young boy wearing a coat and cap seated on carved stone blocks next to a small breed dog with painted backdrop.
Photographic postcard of a young boy sitting on a box before a seaside backdrop with back left blank.
Young boy sitting on a box before a sea side backdrop. Wearing sailor influenced shirt and knickers, wearing a straw hat.
Photographic postcard of a young boy sitting on a box before a sea side backdrop with back left blank.
Young boy sitting on a box before a seaside backdrop. Wearing sailor influenced shirt and knickers.
Young boy, wearing a large lace collar, sitting on a chair made of branches.
Card photograph of a young boy sitting on a stone wall with the name of the photo studio and address printed along bottom and within a decorative...
Young boy sitting on a stone wall, right arm resting on a pedestal, holding a hat in his right hand.
Photographic postcard of a young boy standing behind chair on which dog is sitting with a date handwritten on back.
Young boy standing behind chair on which dog is sitting, Wearing a coat, cravat and holding a hat in his right hand. Decorative backdrop.
Visiting card portrait of a young boy standing in small checked drop shoulder shirt in front of a desk.
Visiting card portrait of a young boy standing on pedestal with left hand on covered table; wearing knickers and long-sleeved top. Printed boarder...
Three year white old boy in a diaper and bandages on his left arm standing up in a crib and looking forward at the camera.
Visiting card portrait of a young boy standing with left hand in jacket pocket with a tax stamp on back along with the name and address of the studio.
Young boy standing with left hand in jacket pocket, right hand on chair, wearing knickers and coat buttoned at neck.
Young white boy with leg braces seated on the stairs in the lobby with a row of clowns lined up on either side of him. Nine clowns (all seem to be...
Young white boy walking with crutches and leg braces at Children's Mercy Hospital. The boy is looking to the side and is leaning forward on his...
Card photograph portrait of young boy wearing a coat with the facsimile signature of photographer on front and printed ad for studio on back.
Vignette portrait, slightly profiled of young boy wearing a coat.
Young white male patient in a plaid shirt and shorts with a cast on his left leg and foot sitting up in a hospital bed.
Young white boy patient with bandaged nose sitting up in his hospital bed and reading a book.
Young white boy with burns over his face and left arm lying down in a hospital bed on a metallized emergency blanket. Looking over at the camera.
Young white toddler boy with leg braces walking with crutches out on third floor sun porch. Looking to the right of the photo.
Young white toddler boy with leg braces walking with crutches out on third floor sun porch.
Young boy standing, wearing shirt and knickers, right hand resting on handlebars of a tricycle and left hand holding a cap in front of a decorative...