Larry Griswold as Pietro in "the Firefly" Expert + Expmal of Trampoline
Larry Griswold in white tuxedo jacket stands backstage.
Larry Griswold in white tuxedo jacket stands backstage.
Mabel Taliaferro in blue hoopskirt, Kyle McDonnell in white hoopskirt, and Joseph Macauly in suit and tie on stage in a production of Bloomer Girl.
Donald Clark dressed in tuxedo as Jack Travers in The Firefly.
Mrs. Keith in black and blue dress with striped shawl stands in front of brick wall.
Nancy Crompton in white dress at unidentified location.
Nancy Crompton backstage in maid outfit for production of Firefly.
Nancy Crompton in green and white dress sitting backstage.
Nancy Crompton wearing jacket, red knickerbockers, and stripped knee socks on stage.
Nancy Crompton wearing Bloomer Girl costume.
Nancy Crompton backstage in blue velvet ballet leotard.
Nina Olivette and Ollie Franks stand in front of backdrop wearing colorful dresses.
Ollie Franks in purple, Nina Olivette in white, and Richard Atkinson in stripes pose backstage.
People in various colorful costume.
Richard Atkinson in costume and stage make up for production of New Moon.
Richard Wentworth in tuxedo on stage.
Rosemarie Brancato in red bellhop uniform standing on stage.
The chorus and ballet of Rose Marie seated on the set.
Line of dancers for the totem pole chorus on stage during a production of Rose Marie.
Terry Saunders in lite green dress, John Tyers in plaid shirt and gun belt, and Joyce Sellinger in dark green pose in front of backdrop for the...
Terry Saunders in white lace trimmed black dress on the set of Rose Marie.
Various cast members backstage in the Starlight lunchroom in costume having a meal.
Sherman Frank in trench coat and bowler hat and Jim King in 1800's suit and cravat stand backstage.
Sherman Frank in stage make up, bowler hat, plaid shirt, and vest.
Terry Saunders in white dress stands next to John Tyers who wears plaid shirt and knickerbocker pants.