Buck Clayton walking with Henry "Red" Allen and an unidentified man, all holding their trumpets
Buck Clayton walking away from the camera with Henry "Red" Allen and an unidentified man, all holding their trumpets with their backs to the...
Buck Clayton walking away from the camera with Henry "Red" Allen and an unidentified man, all holding their trumpets with their backs to the...
Buck Clayton stands at an entrance behind the piano as the unidentified pianist plays a note with one hand and one finger. At the Concert Party at the...
Buck Clayton, holding his trumpet case behind him, watching an unidentified trumpet player performing on a street; New York.
Buck Clayton wearing a beret and a turtleneck sweater.
Buck Clayton wearing a tuxedo-type bow tie and looking directly at the camera.
Buck Clayton wearing a felt hat with a feather hatband.
Buck Clayton wearing a light-colored fedora hat.
Buck Clayton, wearing a mouthpiece necklace and a suit with piping while holding a trumpet by the bell.
Buck Clayton wearing a turtle neck sweater and a dark fedora with a feather hatband.
Buck Clayton, wearing a fedora, winking at the photographer.
Likely John Darville, Buck Clayton standing with an unidentified group of white jazz musicians.
Buck Clayton with two unidentified fans
Buck Clayton with his arms around the shoulders of two unidentified men.
Buck Clayton with two unidentified African American male saxophone players.
Buck Clayton, wearing a fedora, with his arm around an unidentified white woman in a bar.
Buck Clayton, holding his trumpet, with an unidentified man standing to his right.
Buck Clayton, holding his trumpet in front of a French restaurant backdrop, with a fan standing to his right.
Buck Clayton, wearing a Greek fisherman's cap and a turtleneck sweater, standing on the sidewalk with an unidentified man in front of an open door and...
Buck Clayton standing by a table with an unidentified enthusiast fan who is holding a cigar stub in his left hand.
Buck Clayton standing and smiling arm in arm with a fan.
Buck Clayton with an unidentified white male fan at the New Orleans Jazz Fest.
Buck Clayton standing on Times Square with an unidentified white man in sunglasses.
Buck Clayton with an unidentified woman.
Buck Clayton, smiling at the camera, and an unidentified man in a bar, both wearing fedoras.
Buck Clayton standing beside an unidentified woman, both in overcoats, in front of a monument in Washington D.C.