Pat O'Malley
Headshot of Pat O'Malley looking to the side and smiling. O'Malley is wearing a dark colored jacket and patterned tie.
Headshot of Pat O'Malley looking to the side and smiling. O'Malley is wearing a dark colored jacket and patterned tie.
Peggy Lee speaking on phone, with Frank De Vol, Al Jarvis, and Dave Dexter standing in a semi-circle looking at Lee and smiling.
People in various colorful costume.
Philip Dorn speaking with Artur Rubinstein. Dorn is leaning against a wall with one hand in his pocket, wearing a black tuxedo jacket. Rubinstein is...
Philip Dorn facing an unidentified orchestra with his hands extended and looking to the side.
Philip Dorn in a 3/4 turn looking toward camera while conducting an orchestra of unidentified white musicians in front of him.
Promotional still from the movie "Crossroads". The actors, Joe Seneca, Ralph Macchio, and Robert Judd, stand outdoors talking. Robert Judd points his...
Promotional still from the movie "Crossroads". Walking across a clapboard bridge are the actors Ralph Macchio, Jami Gertz, and Joe Seneca. Each actor...
Publicity photo of Ben Bernie turned to one side and looking up over his shoulder, wearing a dark suit, and holding a cigar.
Publicity photo of Bob Random from The Iron Horse. Random is looking to the right while smiling.
Publicity photo of Glenn Ford advertising the movie "The Violent Men." Ford is turned to the left and is looking to the right. He is wearing a...
Headshot of Johnny Desmond facing forward and looking up to the side while smiling. Desmond is wearing a plaid shirt with open collar.
Headshot of Leon Belasco turned slightly away from camera and wearing a light suit and dark tie.
Publicity photo of Milton Berle facing forward, smiling, and wearing checkered suit with patterned tie and handkerchief.
Publicity photo of Ray Anthony facing forward with arms folded, wearing a plaid suit and tie.
Publicity photo of Ray Anthony in a 3/4 turn while smiling, holding trumpet, and wearing a dark suit and tie.
Publicity photo of Ray Anthony holding microphone and trumpet while on stage for a performance. Two obscured musicians are behind Anthony.
Publicity photo of Rick Nelson wearing collared shirt.
Publicity photo of Robert Francis advertising the movie "The Long Gray Line." Francis is looking forward with a neutral expression. He is wearing a...
Publicity photo of Tyrone Power advertising the movie "The Long Gray Line." Power is turned to the right and looking left. He is wearing a gray suit...
Publicity still from "The Glenn Miller Story" featuring James Stewart holding trombone.
Headshot of Ray Anthony facing away from camera, with trumpet in the foreground.
Publicity photo of Ray Anthony turned away from camera, holding trumpet, and wearing a plaid suit and tie.
Faded and cropped publicity photo of Ray Anthony in a 3/4 turn while smiling, holding trumpet, and wearing a dark suit and tie.
Ray Noble turning to the side and smiling. Noble is wearing a black tuxedo and white bowtie.