Meet The Press with Democratic Majority Leader Special - December 5th, 1976
Richard Bolling sitting on a panel left to right with Democratic Representatives Phillip Burton, John McFall and Jim Wright for the "Meet the Press"...
Richard Bolling sitting on a panel left to right with Democratic Representatives Phillip Burton, John McFall and Jim Wright for the "Meet the Press"...
Richard Bolling on the "Meet the Press" TV program in Washington, D.C. Bolling is talking into a microphone in front of a titled screen.
Richard Bolling on the "Meet the Press" TV program in Washington, D.C. Bolling is sitting across from several unidentified reporters.
Mel Price, Sam Stratton, and Frank Annunzio standing left to right, talking with an unknown person, at a Missouri Delegation Reception honoring...
Members of Congress dining at a reception for new members of Congress in Washington, D.C. Sitting at the tables are Claude Pepper and Richard Ottinger...
Members of Congress standing and raising their hands for an oath during a Joint Session of Congress in Washington, D.C. The observation balcony is...
Members of the House Rules Committee (93rd Congress) sitting around a conference table in Washington, D.C. Members include John Anderson, James...
Members of the House Rules Committee (93rd Congress) sitting around a conference table in Washington, D.C. Members include John Anderson, James...
Members of the Joint Economic Committee (97th Congress) sitting around a table in Washington, D.C. Bolling is sitting on the right.
A group photo featuring Richard Bolling and members of the delegation honoring Bolling at a Missouri Delegation Reception honoring Richard Bolling in...
Missouri State Senator Harry Wiggins shaking hands with Richard Bolling in Jefferson City, Missouri. Bolling is standing on the right. Both are...
Collection of portraits and names for all state officers and representatives of Missouri's 74th General Assembly, 1967-1968. The print includes oval...
Collection of portraits and names for all state officers and representatives of Missouri's 76th General Assembly, 1971-1972. The print includes oval...
Collection of portraits and names for all state officers and representatives of Missouri's 80th General Assembly, 1979-1980. The print includes oval...
Morris Udall speaking into a microphone at a Congressional tribute to Richard Bolling in Washington, D.C. Bolling and David Obey are standing on the...
Morris Udall shaking hands with Frank Annunzio at a Missouri Delegation Reception honoring Richard Bolling in Washington, D.C. Bolling is standing in...
Morris Udall with Richard Bolling, Carry O'Brian and Stuart Udall at a party after ceremony swearing in new congressmen in Washington, D.C. Bolling is...
Morris Udall, Richard Bolling, and Richard Ottinger standing left to right while chatting at a Congressional tribute to Bolling in Washington, D.C.
Unidentified staff and military officers of the National Strategy Seminar standing on the steps of the Congressional House Office Building in...
Dr. Ned Smull explaining something to Missouri congressman Richard Bolling while showing him around Children's Mercy Hospital. Various medical...
Neil MacNeil, Clement Zablocki, Leon Panetta, and Richard Bolling standing left to right at a Congressional tribute to Bolling in Washington, D.C...
Neil Miller, president of the Beth Shalom Mens' Club; Thomas Eagleton; Richard Bolling; and Sylvan Siegler posing for a photo during a Beth Shalom...
Nelson Rockefeller addressing the Joint Economic Committee (94th Congress) in Washington, D.C. Charles Percy, and Jacob Javits are sitting to the left...
Nelson Rockefeller addressing the Joint Economic Committee (94th Congress) in Washington, D.C. Charles Percy, and Jacob Javits are sitting to the left...
Nelson Rockefeller addressing the Joint Economic Committee (94th Congress) in Washington, D.C. Charles Percy, and Jacob Javits are sitting to the left...