Unidentified people at the Mutual Musicians Foundation
Unidentified people sitting around tables with red tablecloth for a meal during a social event at the Mutual Musicians Foundation in Kansas City...
Unidentified people sitting around tables with red tablecloth for a meal during a social event at the Mutual Musicians Foundation in Kansas City...
Unidentified people sitting around tables with red tablecloth for a meal during a social event at the Mutual Musicians Foundation in Kansas City...
Unidentified people sitting around tables with red tablecloth for a meal during a social event at the Mutual Musicians Foundation in Kansas City...
Unidentified people sitting around tables and in small groups of chairs around an open hall during a social event at the Mutual Musicians Foundation...
Unidentified people in the audience at an event at the Mutual Musicians Foundation in Kansas City, Missouri. Two men and a woman are sitting at a...
Unidentified people on the roof of the Mutual Musicians Foundation in Kansas City, Missouri. The men are wearing overalls and other work clothes and...
An unidentified person playing trumpet at an event at the Mutual Musicians Foundation in Kansas City, Missouri. Another musician is standing on the...
An unidentified African American woman making remarks as she stands among audience chairs before a performance by Alaadeen and Group 21: Tyrone Clark...
An unidentified woman standing outside the building for Musicians Local 627. She is leaning against a rail and looking forward.
An unidentified women at the 18th & Vine Heritage Jazz Festival in Kansas City, Missouri. She is looking forward and smiling while standing in front...
An unidentified women at the 18th & Vine Heritage Jazz Festival in Kansas City, Missouri. She is holding a cup and looking forward while standing in...
View of the 18th and Vine district of Kansas City, Missouri.
Photograph taken from the sound booth showing Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone) and Mike Warren (drums) while performing on an outdoor pavilion behind the...
The Wild Women: Mary Moore, Myra Taylor, Millie Edwards, and Geneva Price sit close together and smile at the photographer at the Mutual Musicians...