Marchers with rainbow flags
View from behind of a crowd of marchers (overwhelmingly white) at the March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay, and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation, many...
View from behind of a crowd of marchers (overwhelmingly white) at the March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay, and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation, many...
Group of several white men marching with American Flags, rainbow flags, and California state flags through a graveyard as part of the events of the...
Mark Chaney and an unidentified white man on the steps of City Hall for the rally for the National Day of Mourning for the Right to Privacy; Chaney...
Group of people in the middle of a street around a banner reading "Michigan" with the 'I's dotted with pink triangles at the March on Washington for...
Missouri delegation resting in the park near the Washington monument while participating in the March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay, and Bi Equal...
Unidentified, muscled, shirtless white man in camouflage pants, ball cap and sunglasses on his cell phone in the middle of the street at the...
Unidentified, muscled, shirtless, white gay couple with their arms around each other in the middle of the street during the Millennium March on...
Crowd of march participants (largely white people in the photo) at the March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay, and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation...
Crowd of march participants (largely white people, one shirtless African American man seen at the right of the photo) at the March on Washington for...
Very distant shot of a group of four white men on the way to the Millennium Pride Festival in Washington D.C. crossing in front of a Payless Shoe...
An African American man performing on stage during the March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay, and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation; scaffolding and a...
Several members of the Radical Faeries marching past with the two people in the lead carrying a large banner identifying them between them at the...
Photo looking over the shoulders of several white people attending the rally at City Hall for the National Day of Mourning for the Right to Privacy...
Scouting for All's banner and marchers with other marchers (largely white people) seen behind them at the Millennium March on Washington; spectators...
View of a large crowd (overwhelmingly white) that fades off into the distance of marchers at the March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay, and Bi Equal...
Unidentified group of nine muscular white men and one white woman, all but the woman shirtless, in a park for the March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay...
Bill Todd standing facing the left, shirtless, wearing a straw cowboy hat amongst the crowd in the street at the March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay...
Well built shirtless white man in camouflaged shorts and hat at the Millennium March on Washington; crowd of attendees and the Smithsonian Institution...
Well built, unidentified, shirtless white man in white shorts walking across the grounds near the Washington Monument during the March on Washington...
Well built, unidentified, shirtless white man in a ball cap, sunglasses and jeans standing in front of an awning by a chain-link fence with empty...
Unidentified group of nine muscular white men and one white woman, all but the woman shirtless, in a park for the March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay...
View out of a hotel window showing a building in the distance as well as the side of the hotel; presumably taken by Bill Todd on his trip to the March...
Photo looking over the shoulders of several people (white) attending the rally at City Hall for the National Day of Mourning for the Right to Privacy...
Participants from St. Louis in the March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay, and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation in a park with others all around; rainbow...
Unidentified white male T-shirt vendor in booth number 741 with white male customers at the Millennium Pride Festival in Washington D.C.; t-shirts all...