Unidentified group of farmers stand next to a barn
Unidentified group of farmers (two men and a woman) stand next to a barn with pitchforks and a dog.
Unidentified group of farmers (two men and a woman) stand next to a barn with pitchforks and a dog.
Unidentified group of men huddled around a Victor Electrola RE-45 radio-phonograph.
Unidentified house in country on dirt road.
An unidentified white man in three piece suit and hat posed standing with left hand in vest pocket face turned in profile.
Unidentified white man in three piece suit posed turned to the right slightly and looking at camera, seated with his thumbs in his vest pockets.
An unidentified white man in suit and paisley tie posed in front of a painted backdrop.
An unidentified white man in a tuxedo posed in front of a painted backdrop.
An unidentified white man in three piece suit posed in front of painted backdrop.
An unidentified white man in three piece suit posing in front of painted backdrop.
An unidentified white man in suit and tie posed looking off camera to his left.
An unidentified white man in three piece suit standing.
An unidentified white man in suit and tie posed in front of painted backdrop with his body turned slightly to his right while facing camera.
Head shot of unidentified white man in three piece suit posed in front of painted backdrop.
An unidentified white man in hat, overcoat, pinstripe suit and tie posed with body turned slightly to his left, head facing camera, and looking to his...
Head shot of unidentified white man in three piece suit posed in front of painted backdrop.
An unidentified white man in three piece suit standing posed with his face turned in profile.
An unidentified white man in suit and bowtie seated posed in front of sunset painted backdrop with his body turned to his right, head facing camera...
Head shot of an unidentified white man in a tuxedo.
Head shot of an unidentified white man in suit and tie.
An unidentified white man in suit and bowtie seated posed in front of sunset painted backdrop with his body turned to his right, head facing camera...
An unidentified white man in fedora, suit, and tie posed in front of a painted backdrop with his body turned to the right and his head facing the...
Head shot of an unidentified white man in pinstripe suit and tie.