Richard Henry Dana, Jr. house in Cambridge, Massachusetts
Richard Henry Dana, Jr. house in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Richard Henry Dana, Jr. house in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Publicity photo of Richard Shanahan playing a drum set. Shanahan is looking to the side and smiling with drumsticks in both hands. Shanahan is wearing...
Young woman in paisley red blouse, man in white button up shirt and woman in grey dress identified as the Richardson family standing in front of a...
Rita Hayworth facing forward and smiling. Hayworth is wearing a white dress and standing next to an AFRS microphone.
Headshot of operatic singer Robert Merrill looking forward and smiling. Merrill is wearing a pinstripe suit and patterned tie.
Operatic singer Robert Merrill signing autographs for a group of fans. Merrill is surrounded by a large crowd and looking down, wearing a pinstripe...
Robert Preston, Bill Rigney, Nat King Cole posing for photo in baseball uniforms. Preston is holding a baseball glove and looking up. Rigney is...
Rollin F. Agard, Director of Finance KC Mo stands outside City Hall in suit and tie.
Rooftop shot of the Tower Theater and the Esquire Theater, 211-213 E 12th St., Kansas City, Mo.
Rosemary Clooney holding bouquet of red roses standing besides TWA plane.
Rosy McHargue (far left), Paul Weston (second from left) and a group of unidentified musicians standing around a piano holding instruments for a photo...
Rosy McHargue playing clarinet on stage. McHargue is looking down and to the side, wearing a double breasted suit jacket.
Rosy McHargue playing clarinet in a recording studio. McHargue is looking forward and holding the clarinet up, wearing a light colored suit and...
Headshot of Rudy Vallée looking to the side and smiling. Vallée is wearing a checkered suit jacket and striped tie.
Publicity photo of Rudy Vallée looking forward and smiling with both hands folded across his chest. Vallée is wearing a black suit jacket.
Rudy Vallée standing on skis and holding ski poles in each hand. Vallée is looking forward and down while smiling.
Rudy Vallée and Paul Whiteman sitting at a table and playing with a toy note generator. Vallée is looking down and adjusting the machine while...
View of the mountain side of Mount Rushmore National Memorial showing the carved faces.
Conductor-arranger Russ Case gets set for the downbeat as he and Johnny Desmond make records at the Victor Studios (from photo caption).
Gladys and Russell Kelce both in formal wear stand in front of a mural of western scenes in the Saddle and Sirloin Club.
Harriette W. Cookingham, L. Perry Cookingham, and crowd of people outside a home at a S & S Sunday Brunch.
Saddle & Sirloin dedicatory plaque sitting on the mantle of the fireplace in the clubhouse.
Exterior of the white Saddle and Sirloin Clubhouse barn showing back patio with yellow furniture and green parasols.
Unidentified white man in a sailor uniform, with hands on hips (holding a hat in his right hand), standing in the grass next to flowers, with trees in...
Angled headshot from the side of Sam Donahue wearing a suit and tie, looking to the side.