Pat Dexter, Dave Dexter, and Ed Flynn
Pat Dexter, Dave Dexter, and Ed Flynn seated at a dining table with an unidentified white man and woman. Pat Dexter is seated on far left with hands...
Pat Dexter, Dave Dexter, and Ed Flynn seated at a dining table with an unidentified white man and woman. Pat Dexter is seated on far left with hands...
Headshot of Pat O'Connor looking forward with a slight smile. O'Connor is wearing a dark sleeve-less dress and a silver necklace.
Headshot of Pat O'Connor looking up and smiling. O'Connor is wearing a light colored suit jacket with a brooch.
Pat O'Connor, Jackie Green playing trombone, and Dick Cary playing tuba. O'Connor is leaning to the side and holding one hand to her ear. All are...
Patients (all white boys and girls) in a school classroom at Children's Mercy Hospital. They are all looking down at their desks and writing. Students...
Patients (all white boys and girls) in a school classroom at Children's Mercy Hospital. They are all looking down at their desks and writing. The...
Crowd of children (all white girls and boys) at the dental clinic at Children's Mercy Hospital. Dental equipment can be seen around them.
Patients (white girls and boys) outside on the hospital playground in wheelchairs and carts. Unidentified white woman is at the far left with them...
Thomas Patten, Melvin Hatcher, and Clarence Hoff in suits and ties sitting around coffee table in wood paneled room.
Paul Creston (far left) and others watching Vida Chenoweth perform.
Angled publicity photo of Paul Weston looking forward with a neutral expression. Weston is holding a pencil in one hand and resting both arms on music...
Publicity photo of Paul Weston looking to the side with a neutral expression. Weston is wearing a tweed jacket and tie.
Paul Weston, "Wingy" Manone, and Johnny Mercer looking over sheet music. All three are leaning on a piano and looking down. Weston is holding a pencil...
Paul Weston, an unidentified man, Dave Dexter, Al Jarvis, Bob Crosby, and Tony Martin singing at piano in a recording studio. All are looking forward...
Paul Weston, Dave Dexter, Peggy Lee, Gene Norman, and two unidentified men at a studio table with microphones hanging overhead. Weston is sitting at...
Paul Weston, Zutty Singleton, and Dave Barbour in a recording studio. Weston is standing on the left, looking down at Singleton, and holding his hands...
Paul Whiteman looking over music on a conducting podium in front of an NBC microphone. Whiteman is wearing a double breasted suit and patterned bowtie...
Paul Whiteman looking to the side and smiling while resting his hands on an NBC microphone in a recording studio. Whiteman is wearing a light colored...
Paul Whiteman and Dave Dexter talking with an unidentified man. Whiteman is wearing a pinstripe suit and Dexter is wearing a tweed jacket.
Paul Whiteman and Dave Dexter standing against a recording studio wall and looking at each other while smiling. Whiteman is wearing a pinstripe suit...
Paul Whiteman standing fourth from left and Mike Pingitore standing second from right in a recording studio with other unidentified musicians.
Angled headshot of Paula Kelly looking forward with a neutral expression.
Paula Stone interviewing Dinah Shore for the program "Hollywood Digest." Stone is sitting on the left, holding papers and looking down at them. Shore...
Pauline Chamberlain in a patterned dress next to Warren Durrett in a short sleeve button up shirt and long pants, who is leaning back with one leg up...
Publicity photo from a low angle of Peanuts Holland playing trumpet on stage in front of unidentified musicians. Holland is wearing a patterned suit...