Jack Teagarden
Publicity photo of Jack Teagarden looking forward with a neutral expression. Teagarden is sitting on a chair with one arm on the back of the chair and...
Publicity photo of Jack Teagarden looking forward with a neutral expression. Teagarden is sitting on a chair with one arm on the back of the chair and...
Publicity photo of Jack Teagarden holding a trombone and standing on stage in front of unidentified musicians. Teagarden is wearing a checkered suit...
Jack Teagarden photographed from below playing trombone. Teagarden is looking forward and slightly down, wearing a white shirt.
Jack Teagarden playing trombone in a studio. Teagarden is looking forward and to the side. Teagarden is wearing a white shirt and striped tie.
Jack Washington playing saxophone during a performance with the Count Basie Orchestra. Washington is wearing a dark colored tuxedo and black bowtie.
Jackie and Bobby at 4 years old. The boy is dressed as a policeman.
James P. Johnson playing piano in front of an unidentified drummer. Johnson is looking up and forward with one hand in the air.
Publicity photo of Jimmy Rushing looking up and smiling. Rushing is wearing a three-piece suit and patterned tie.
Portrait of James Xarhis in his Army uniform. He's smiling at the camera with his garrison cap tilted on his head.
Portrait of James Xarhis in his Army uniform and coat. He's smiling at the camera with his visor cap tilted on his head.
James Xarhis (center) in a helmet crouching down in front of a building with two unidentified soldiers also in helmets. A third unidentified soldier...
Jan Clayton, unidentified woman, and Harriette W. Cookingham pose in front of a model steamboat.
Publicity photo of Jan Garber sitting with his face turned to the side. Garber is wearing a pinstripe suit and sitting.
Publicity photo of Jan Garber smiling and facing slightly to the side. Garber is wearing a black suit and tie.
Jan Garber standing on stage with Kay Kyser behind several microphones. Kyser is holding a microphone with his hand on the shoulder of Garber.
Jane Frazee as she appears in the Columbia production "She's a Sweetheart" (from photo caption).
Jane Russell and Kay Kyser standing behind a podium and smiling. Russell is holding papers and looking at Kyser, who is looking forward and smiling.
Headshot of actor Jay Jostyn. Jostyn is turning forward and facing to the side with a neutral expressing. Jostyn is wearing a light colored suit and...
Jay McShann playing piano and leaning back while closing his eyes. McShann is wearing a light colored jacket and striped tie.
Publicity photo of Jay McShann looking forward and smiling while holding a conducting baton in one hand. McShann is wearing a light colored tuxedo...
Angled headshot of Jay McShann looking forward and smiling. McShann is wearing a pinstripe suit and dark colored tie.
Jay McShann playing piano in a recording studio in Hollywood, California. The top of the piano is covered with music. McShann is looking forward and...
Jay McShann playing piano while looking up and smiling. McShann is wearing a black suit jacket.
Jay McShann and his orchestra; (top row L-R) Bobby Hopkins, drums; Pete Anderson, bass; (bottom row L-R) David Newman (likely), clarinet or saxophone...
An unidentified man at left end of table, Lou Bring, Mildred Bailey, Manny Klein, an unidentified man (standing), Dave Dexter, and Glenn Wallichs...