Eight year old girl
Portrait of an eight year old white girl adopted along with twin sister while babies at Children's Mercy Hospital. She has a large bow in her hair.
Portrait of an eight year old white girl adopted along with twin sister while babies at Children's Mercy Hospital. She has a large bow in her hair.
Eighteen serious men (all white men) stand on a steps of a staircase as a group with one white male guard. One man stands at the base of a statue and...
Eighteen African American soldiers wearing fatigues (one is wearing a chef's uniform) stand or squat outside of barracks with a small dog. C920 is...
Portrait of an eighteen year old boy who was a patient at Children's Mercy Hospital when he was six years old.
Elaine Shepard, Win Morrow, and Shorty Sherock looking at an article written about Sherock's band. Shepard is leaning on the couch with one leg...
Headshot of Eleanor Parker in promotion of film "Of Human Bondage." Parker is looking to the side in a 3/4 turn and smiling. Parker is wearing a...
Ella Logan talking to Dave Dexter during a radio broadcast for KLAC. Logan and Dexter are sitting at tables covered with microphones and water...
Headshot of Ella Mae Morse looking forward and smiling. Morse is wearing a dark colored blouse, a heart-shaped pendant, and a bow in her hair.
Publicity photo of Ella Mae Morse reclining on a couch covered in fur looking forward and smiling. Morse is covered with a fur blanket.
Publicity photo of Ella Mae Morse sitting and resting her head on both hands while looking to the side. Morse is wearing a patterned dress with lace.
Ella Mae Morse behind an Armed Forces Radio Service microphone during a radio broadcast. Morse is turning to the side and looking forward while...
Headshot of Ella Mae Morse looking forward and smiling. Morse is wearing a shiny dress with a large brooch.
Ella Mae Morse behind an NBC microphone with both hands raised, pointing up, while looking to the side and smiling. Morse is wearing a white blouse...
Ella Mae Morse sitting on a stool next to a Capitol Records microphone in a studio. Morse is holding music in one hand and looking back while smiling...
Ella Mae Morse sitting on a stool next to a Capitol Records microphone in a studio. Morse is holding music in one hand and looking back while smiling...
Ella Mae Morse sitting on a stool next to a Capitol Records microphone in a studio. Morse is holding music in one hand and resting her head on her...
Ella Mae Morse singing in a Capitol recording studio. Morse is sitting on a stool next to a Capitol Records microphone while holding music in one hand...
Publicity photo of Ella Mae Morse leaning forward and smiling. Morse is folding her arms and is wearing a white blouse with collar pattern.
Publicity photo of Ella Mae Morse leaning back and looking to the side while smiling. Morse is wearing a white blouse.
Ella Mae Morse and Frank Sinatra on a radio broadcast for the program "Jubilee." Morse is holding papers in one hand and resting her other arm on...
Ella Mae Morse and Johnny Mercer holding hands and embracing as though dancing in front of a patterned curtain. Morse is looking forward and smiling...
Ella Mae Morse sitting at a piano in a studio looking up with a surprised expression. Morse is resting her arms on music laying across the top of the...
Ella Mae Morse sitting at a piano in a studio looking up and smiling. Morse is resting her arms on music laying across the top of the piano.
Angled photo of Ella Mae Morse singing into a microphone. Morse is holding her hands out to her sides and is looking forward. Morse is wearing a white...
Ella Mae Morse sleeping on a couch, using a large coat as a blanket. Morse is resting her feet on a coffee table covered with music and an ashtray.